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Built for the Classic

Built for the Classic

Berkley sort of rewrote the book last year when it designed and launched four new baits specifically for its pros to use at the Toho Bassmaster Classic. Cool concept – give the pros what they want and need, and if the bait wins, it'll blow out the doors.

Berkley did exactly the same thing for next week's Lay Lake Classic, and here's the scoop. The four new "Classic" baits from Berkley and its pro staff, available now, are the 4.75-inch Gulp! Slim Shaky worm, the Chigger Craw, 5-inch Fat Dover Crawler, and Wacky Crawler. Here's the dope on each.

> Gulp! Slim Shaky worm – Gulp! generally works better when fished slow, which is the idea behind this shakey bait. It's geared for clear water when a lighter jig's required and fish can only be caught on the "inhale."

> Powerbait Chigger Craw – This new Powerbait was made with input from Mike Iaconelli, Skeet Reese and Kevin Wirth. It measures 4 inches and is perfect as a trailer, but it can also be fished weightless or on a Texas-rig. The fluttering action of the legs is especially notable.

> Powerbait Fat Dover Crawler – It's sort of like a Senko, sort of like a worm – almost a throwback of sorts to vintage plastic earthworms. Made to fool pressured fish.

> Powerbait Wacky Crawler – When the fish have seen every worm coming straight through the water, it might be time to go wacky, which is where this bait comes in. Good along bottom, over structure, and along nothing banks.

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