The Ultimate LureSaver could be an easily overlooked product. The name doesn't really tell you anything about it. We thought it was one of those weight-on-a- rope crankbait retrievers. But then we got some, and we thought: split rings for $7.99 to $10.99 a pack?

Well, when we started messing around with them, it quickly became clear to us why more and more tour pros are grabbing onto this product.

Simple and Sweet

Let's set the stage here. You have your favorite crankbaits. Whether they're out of production or you just can't find another one that catches fish like it, you basically get the willies every time you cast one of them out there. And if the cover is really thorny, maybe you won't even throw what could be your most productive bait.

Or maybe you do fish it, get it snagged and spend the next 15 minutes trying to get your bait back, ruining your fishing hole in the process.

Any way you slice it, fishing your favorite crankbaits is stressful.

The Ultimate LureSaver can eliminate a bunch of that stress.

Here is what it does. Imagine a "smart" split ring manufactured from titanium with two functions that can be controlled by the angler. The angler chooses whether he wants the LureSaver to hold tight just like a regular split ring or to "relax" and open up, releasing a hook that is snagged. Once the hook is released you get the snagged bait back -- and you get the LureSaver back in 100 percent condition, ready to be used again.

No longer do you need to disturb your fishing area or move your boat trying to retrieve a snagged lure. You save your spot, save downtime and save your favorite bait. Just replace the lost hook and you're back to fishing. That means more casts, more time fishing and less stress.

No Worries

We know what you're thinking because it's the same thought we had: Will the hook release while you're fighting a fish?

No, says Ultimate LureSaver, and we proved it to our satisfaction in our lab and in the field. This is where the engineering is applied.

Essentially the principle is one of simple physics. We all know that for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. The reason the Ultimate LureSaver won't release when you're fighting a fish is that the action (pressure applied to reel the fish toward you) isn't sufficient to cause a release reaction. It takes more pressure than you can apply because your rod is acting as a force-reducer, or energy absorber.

You change the equation by pointing your rod at the hung bait, putting your thumb on the spool (or bail) and pulling toward you. You now have the leverage required to cause the Ultimate LureSaver to spread and release your hook.

Other Cool Stuff

> The world of bass fishing has never been one size fits all, and the Ultimate LureSaver folks are smart enough to recognize that. These next-generation split rings are available in different tensile strengths that are matched to line weights, and the available sizes cover all bass fishing situations that we can think of, as well as other applications all the way up to saltwater species.

> The Ultimate LureSaver can be used in other ways to improve your success. How about as a quick-change system for spinner bait blades? It's also great when used as a weight release rig. And what about using it in front of your hook when you want to throw a soft-plastic jerkbait on braid? No need for a leader, and you can have the confidence that you can control the fish after you have it hooked. You'll probably find even more ways this product can help you make the most of your time on the water.

Bottom Line

Here's the bottom line: Ignore this product at your own peril. The Ultimate LureSaver may just be one of the most clever products we will see in fishing. It's certainly one of the most intriguing that we've reviewed.


> Tour pros Paul Elias, Terry Baksay and Mark Kile endorse Ultimate LureSaver.

Click here for more info on the Ultimate LureSaver and to order online.