Not Rick Clunn. Not Larry Nixon, Gary Klein, Roland Martin or even the mighty Kevin VanDam.

Instead, Missouri's own Denny Brauer is the best tournament bass angler of all time, as voted by you, the fans.

Here's how the two rounds of voting -- more than 1,500 votes total -- ultimately broke down (percentages add to a little over 100):

Denny Brauer40%
Rick Clunn38%
Larry Nixon9%
Gary Klein7%
Roland Martin4%
Kevin VanDam4%

Throughout the voting, Brauer maintained a consistent 3-percent lead over Clunn. The margin narrowed a bit in the final hours of voting, but Clunn fans simply could not outvote Brauer fans.

Brauer fans noted that Brauer has been the hottest angler over the last five years or so, winning every major award there is and shooting up to the top of B.A.S.S. all-time money list.

Stay tuned for Brauer's reaction and to read about what the No. 1 angler in the world, VanDam, has learned from his friend and fellow competitor about winning tournaments.