You're locked in battle in the most intense tournament of the year. It's hot, you're exhausted and time's running out. So do you break for a quick refuel, or just keep going despite what your body tells you? If you do pause, what do you eat or drink?

BassFan asked that same question of pros competing in the 2006 Bassmaster Classic at Florida's West Lake Toho. Some of their answers might surprise you.

Mike Wurm

"I don't eat very much at all. I might occasionally eat a bag of peanuts, and I usually eat a piece of fruit that BASS provides in the boats. Your body soon becomes accustomed to it. And I drink water – usually 1 to 2 liters a day. One thing I never waver from is I drink orange juice every morning. It's my coffee. I like Tropicana Premium Blend not from concentrate. That's the key – not from concentrate. I like no pulp."

Preston Clark

"I drink a lot of water, Gatorade and Mountain Dew, and I eat Snickers bars. I don't spend a lot of time eating."

Edwin Evers

"I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drink water. I make the sandwich on wheat bread with Peter Pan Crunchy (peanut butter) and grape jelly. To be good, you need at least 1 inch of peanut butter on the sandwich. It's not good unless it weighs about a pound."

Mike Reynolds

"I drink Gatorade and water. There's no time to eat. If I'm dying and I'm running (between fishing spots) I'll maybe eat some crackers, but I need 25 pounds before I start eating. You have to drink lots of water. In a 3-day tournament you can't risk getting dehydrated. The water just goes out of you in Florida."

Dean Rojas

"I drink water and Gatorade and I usually don't eat anything. If I eat anything, it's a granola bar."

Jeff Reynolds

"I tend not to eat anything, but I focus on drinking water. Not eating allows you to make a few extra casts."

Photo: BassFan

That's right, Mark Tucker eats canned chicken and salmon in the boat.

Ish Monroe

"I don't eat anything and I drink Red Bull energy drink. I drink one in the morning, one around midday, then one later in the afternoon."

Andre Moore

"I drink Diet Pepsi, but I don't eat a thing – there's not enough time to eat."

Jimmy Mize

"If I eat at all it'll just be some cheese crackers when I'm running. But I drink a lot of water. I can't drink any caffeine – it makes my heart race."

Ron Shuffield

"I drink water and Gatorade and a couple of Mountain Dews. I basically drink Mountain Dew from the time I wake up until I go to bed. It's safe to say I consume 100 ounces of Mountain Dew daily."

Mark Tucker

"I mostly drink water. I eat Swanson canned chicken and canned salmon. I also take a lot of protein powder with me and amino acids. When your body doesn't have a lot of fat, you start to lose muscle when you're fatigued, so I try to focus on taking in protein."

Greg Hackney

"I don't eat or drink anything. I don't have time. If I lock, I might drink water. I do chew a lot of gum though. I'm a pack-a-day chewer – the big packs. I like bubble-gum flavor Orbit. I'm off the wintergreen – it started to hurt my throat."

Davy Hite

"I eat Hooah! energy bars and drink Hooah! sports drink and water. Back when I was in the military (Army National Guard) we used it (Hooah!) and now I'm sponsored by them. We don't have a lot of time out there, but it gives you energy, satisfies your hunger – it's perfect."

Rick Morris

"I eat the lunch BASS gives us – the sandwich – and an apple or pear, and I drink Mountain Dew for energy."

Chad Morgenthaler

"I drink one can of Slim-Fast (strawberries and cream) and usually a bottle of water."

Greg Gutierrez

"I don't really eat anything – I just fish. And the only way I'll drink is if I force myself to. I throw a bottle of water down on the floor so eventually I'll get annoyed with stepping on it and drink it."

John Crews

"I try not to drink too much water beforehand so I won't have to go to the bathroom all the time. I eat either one sandwich or two protein bars about halfway through the day."

Randy Howell

"I don't eat anything – the day's so short I don't want to waste time. Maybe if I have a long ride I'll eat a cereal bar. But I drink a lot of sports drinks."


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