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Yum keeps eating

Yum keeps eating

Looks like Yum's appetite for Bassmaster Elite Series pros can't be sated. On the heels of recent news that it signed Edwin Evers, Terry Scroggins and Dave Wolak, Pradco-Fishing (Yum's parent company) today announced it signed Matt Reed to a deal.

The Texas pro will run a full Yum wrap this year – featuring the Craw Papi – and he'll wear Yum colors on his jersey. "It's a neat bait for flipping vegetation, which is something I really like to do, but it's also extremely versatile," Reed said of the Craw Papi. "I'll use it as a jig trailer, and I'll rig it on a football head with no skirt for fishing deep."

His contract also includes representation of other Pradco-Fishing brands, including Bomber. Tulsa-based Dynamic Sponsorships was integral in the negotiations, and designed his wrap and jersey.

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