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25% less math

Apparently the "A little math" analysis below omitted a 25% discount for new and renewed TBF-related FLW Outdoors members this year. So again using round numbers, 35,000 members of The Bass Federation (TBF) times the $6.25 discount would add another $218,750 to the theoretically computed $125,000 FLW cash contribution this year, for $343,750 total contributed by FLW to the TBF this year.

In other words, if no TBF members were already FLW members and all TBF members joined FLW this year, FLW's $1 million cash contribution would be offset by about $660,000 in membership sign-up fees. However, since some TBF members were already FLW members (as well as BASS members), FLW's cash contribution will probably be more, though bear in mind FLW's $1 million is prorated depending on what percentage of the TBF membership signs up for the new FLW-TBF program.

And once again note that a) FLW is contributing more than just cash to the TBF package; and b) the FLW and BASS Federation programs are different from each other in many ways, not just cash.

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