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Evans teams up with Nickelodeon, TMNT

Evans teams up with Nickelodeon, TMNT

Children's TV network Nickelodeon and Lil’ Anglers LLC, makers of the new Kid Casters no-tangle rods and reels for children, today announced their sponsorship of FLW Tour angler Charlie Evans.

Evans, the former president and CEO of FLW, debuted the Kid Casters Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-wrapped Ranger bass boat at the Beaver Lake tournament last month.

“More than twice the number of people fished last year than attended every NFL game combined,” said Ken Mantel, senior vice president of retail sales for Nickelodeon Consumer Products. “It’s a huge audience for Nickelodeon-branded products, and nobody reaches more anglers than FLW. We are pleased to introduce our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles boat with Charlie Evans at the helm.”

Evans is in the midst of the FLW Tour season and will also fish the B.A.S.S. Northern Opens.

“This is an incredible opportunity to give back to the sport that has given so much to me over the years,” said Evans, a competitive angler since 1971 who served FLW from 1982 through 2010. “The more children I can introduce to fishing the better. Walmart, FLW, Nickelodeon and Lil’ Anglers are all family-friendly organizations, so it’s a perfect match all the way around.”

Lil’ Anglers develops, manufactures and sells innovative fishing products that cater to children.

“Early fishing experiences are memorable for everyone because they mark those important moments in life that we get to share with the people that we care about most,” said Ralph Duda III, CEO of Lil’ Anglers. “Our goal is to help families get the most out of their time outdoors as they keep traditions alive and make memories together.”

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