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Ehrler, Swindle, Palaniuk join forces with GoPro

Ehrler, Swindle, Palaniuk join forces with GoPro

Brent Ehrler, Gerald Swindle and Brandon Palaniuk are three of the more active pro anglers in social media and now through their involvement with GoPro, BassFans will be treated to a front-row seat as they document their travels and everyday lives with the versatile camera.

Some may have already seen some of the images Palaniuk and Ehrler have posted using the GoPro, and it's no secret that when a camera is rolling, few can match Swindle's wit and humor.

Thanks to a recently released mobile app and updated software for the camera, GoPro users are now able to easily manage their photos and videos from their smart phone or tablet. Posting content to social media channels or sharing via text or e-mail has also been simplified.

"This will eliminate steps between the time I take the photo or video, and the time I get it to everyone," Palaniuk said. "Before, I had to use a laptop to download the photo and video and then find a wi-fi hotspot and upload it to the Internet. With this I can shoot a cool photo and upload it immediately to my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts for everyone to see."

Swindle believes it will allow his followers closer access to him.

"Used correctly with social media this can actually become a new aged type of reality show," he said. "My fans can follow me almost to the minute and see what I am up to. This is really what bass fishing has needed. We'll be able to give fans a behind the scenes look at life as a professional angler."

Ehrler agrees that it will help him reach his fans, family and friends quicker and easier. A California native, he sometimes finds himself several time zones away from home on the tournament trail. The new GoPro technology allows him to keep up with 2-year-old back home.

"My wife can take one of my cameras along and when something fun or new happens with Ollie she can send it to me right away," he said. "Except during tournament hours, I could be fishing on the Red River in Louisiana and be able to keep up with anything I might miss. It's not as good as being there, but it's better than seeing it tomorrow or next week."

The new GoPro technology isn't limited just to the ranks of pro anglers. Any GoPro user with a smart phone can put the new app to use.

"Any angler wanting to share their experiences on and off the water with others can use this new update," Ehrler said. "GoPro's have always provided high quality footage and now with the ability to share it immediately it opens up a whole new level of sharing experiences; such as the fight of a huge bass or the first steps or words of a child."

For more information, visit

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