Last year, the Grand Lake Elite Series winner debuted with 21-09, then followed up with 25-03. This time, Kevin VanDam debuted with 21-11, then followed up with 21-08. While VanDam doesn't have the type of dominating lead Mike McClelland enjoyed last year, he did separate himself from the pack today.
With his 21-08, he now leads the Oklahoma event with 43-03.
Rookie Marty Robinson was the only other angler to catch better than 20 both days so far. He followed up his 20-pound day 1 with 20-05 today to remain in 2nd, and he trails VanDam by 2-15.
Aside from those two, there were a whole lot of changes in the Top 12.
Significant movement near to the top today included:
> Edwin Evers, who caught 19-09 and moved up from 10th to 3rd
> Boyd Duckett, whose 19-06 nudged him from 15th to 4th
> Mike McClelland, who improved from 11th to 5th with 18-11
> Davy Hite, who caught 19-01 and moved up from 15th to 6th
> Matt Reed, who caught 19-12, which improved him from 30th to 7th
> Scott Rook, whose 20-12 today jumped him from 47th to 9th
> Todd Faircloth, whose 19-11 jumped him from 41st to 11th
Jeff Kriet, Tim Horton and Derek Remitz all remained within the Top 12.
Those who dropped out were:
> Mike Iaconelli -- 3rd to 23rd
> Ben Matsubu -- 3rd to 15th
> Terry Scroggins -- 7th to 18th
> Aaron Martens -- 8th to 19th
> Scott Campbell -- 12th to 47th
Here's a look at the current state of the Top 12. Total weight is followed by distance from leader in red:
1. Kevin VanDam: 43-03
2. Marty Robinson: 40-05 (2-14)
3. Edwin Evers: 37-13 (5-06)
4. Boyd Duckett: 36-13 (6-06)
5. Mike McClelland: 36-10 (6-11)
6. Davy Hite: 36-08 (6-13)
7. Matt Reed: 35-04 (7-15)
8. Jeff Kriet: 35-02 (7-17)
9. Scott Rook: 35-01 (8-02)
10. Tim Horton: 34-13 (8-06)
11. Todd Faircloth: 34-07 (8-12)
11. Derek Remitz: 34-07 (8-12)

VanDam said of his pattern: "When you get into them, you can get into them, but it can take a long time to find that again."
The field is cut to the Top 50 anglers for tomorrow, then the Top 12 for the final day. Oklahoman Jeff Reynolds was the first out of today's cut with 27-01. (That's right, 13 1/2 pounds a day wasn't enough to make a check.)
The emergence of 19-pound weights today was somewhat of a surprise, and largely points to the fact that the shallow bite really isn't the promised land. Many who weighed those 19-pound sacks noted they moved away from the bank earlier than yesterday, which was critical.
What's also emerging is that there's significant schooling activity with brief windows of opportunity. VanDam got into a strong school for a brief time. So did Reed. And Jordon was done fishing a little after noon.
But timing is everything on a bite like that. It looks like the wind – which is the major force driving that bite – will hold the next 2 days. That's what activates the bait. Anglers who strike the right rotation on their series of spots can get healthy in a hurry when the bait moves up.
Notable too is that the best bite isn't very deep. Instead, it's a little ways out from shore. The true deep water's too silty – still the fallout from recent flooding – so most feel a 25-pound sack like the one McClelland caught last year isn't doable. Instead, Jordon likely touched the ceiling today with his 22-05.
Perhaps the biggest factor for VanDam right now is boat traffic. He had 53 spectator boats with him this morning. "It's like the Bassmaster Classic," he said. He loves the fans, but added that boats do add significant challenge, especially in some of the areas he's fishing.
VanDam Says 'Not Easy'
According to VanDam, it's "not as easy as it looks on paper." That's because long periods of nothing are punctuated by brief explosions.
"It feels great (to lead), but it' a chore to catch them," he said. "There's a lot of time in between bites. It can happen fast, but it also can take a long time.
"When you get into them, you can get into them, but it can take a long time to find that again. I've been fortunate to get into groups of fish like that a couple of times, but there's no guarantee I can do it again. The way I'm fishing is conducive to that though, because what I'm looking for is where they're coming up to feed."
About whether he thinks he can hold the lead tomorrow, he said: "It usually gets tougher as the tournament goes on, but I hope some of the other guys are getting some of the same spectator traffic I am. It makes it challenging, no doubt.
"At my first stop this morning, I had 53 boats following me. Overall they're real courteous. They're just definitely excited to be out there. This area has got a bunch of fishing fans, obviously. But it isn't easy when you have that many. And a couple places I caught them on, a half-hour later people were there fishing. It only takes a few to mess it up."
> For a unique story VanDam told about a father and two boys in one of the spectator boats, click here.
2nd: Robinson Excited
Rookie Robinson has yet to make a Top 12 cut this year – the closest he came was 15th at the California Delta. But back-to-back 20-sacks should put him there, barring utter disaster tomorrow.
The best part about his position, he said, is that VanDam's right there with him.
"Oh man, it feels great – it feels awesome (to be there with) Kevin VanDam and all these guys," he said. "A lot of people don't like KVD to be up there when they're catching them, because he's the toughest guy there is to be in front of you.
"But he's always been my idol. If I could ever win one of these, nothing would be better than to be able to beat him. He's the best. He catches them everywhere we go. If I beat him, I beat the best."
Robinson noted he did pretty much the same thing today as yesterday. He started shallow, then moved out deeper, then at about noon switched to his big-bite strategy. The one big difference, though, was his morning fish didn't bite today.

Marty Robinson said if he's got a shot to win a tournament, he wants VanDam right there beside him – that way he knows he's fishing against the best.
He caught a limit shortly after he moved out, and culled for the last time at noon with a 5-pounder. That one came on his third "big bite" pattern.
On whether he's already overworked his areas, he said: "There's a lot of fish on them, but I think fish are pulling up every night or moving into these places. When you catch some, more move onto them."
A big key, he added, was wind. The 10- to 12-mph wind today pushed bait onto his key spots, and the bass followed.
"If I can get (wind of) 5 to 10, I think they'll bite good."
7th: Reed Had 'Decent' Day
This is Reed's second time to Grand Lake, but clearly he's got something going at this fishery. Last year, he was the only angler with even a remote chance to catch McClelland after day 3 (he trailed by 12 pounds). He went on to finish 2nd.
This time, he's 7-15 off the leader with 2 days left to fish. He tickled the 20-pound mark today with 19-12 (4 pounds better than he weighed yesterday), and he'll likely need at least that tomorrow to have another shot.
"I had a decent day today," he said. "I caught four good ones pretty quick for 16 pounds, and by 10:00 I had most of what I weighed. I caught a lot more fish (than yesterday).
"I'll just have to go out and get after it tomorrow and see if I can do it again."
He noted that he's not fishing any of his stuff from last year – there's too much silt out that deep. He's fishing offshore, just not way offshore.
And like nearly everyone else who whacked a big sack, he said it's a "timing deal." Yesterday, he caught his fish late. Today, he caught them early.
"I'll just go out and catch what I can tomorrow," he added. "I'll do my best. I like this lake. It suits my style. It's only the second time I've ever seen it, but it fits me well."
> Reed travels with Edwin Evers, and said they're basically fishing the same pattern, and likely fished a lot of the same water today.
8th: Kriet Skipped Willows
Kriet, who's fishing his home state this week, sort of did a reverse today, in two different ways. One, he caught a 19-pound sack yesterday and 16 pounds today (when many others weighed 19 today and 16 yesterday).
Also, he skipped his limit bite this morning in the willows and went deeper right away.
"I'm not going to complain – 16 pounds is not a bad sack," he said. "But I didn't catch nearly as many fish today. Yesterday, I probably caught 25 keepers. Today, I only caught 12 or 14.
"I think there was probably a period of time today when I was fishing too fast. But I know I'm around some places with big ones. The biggest deal here is just timing. If you get on an area with big ones, and they get to biting, it happens quick."

Edwin Evers said he realized he had to catch them, so he fished a lot slower today.
About whether he thinks he can win, he said: "I don't know about that. With VanDam, usually when he starts off that strong, he's going to be very hard to beat. And rarely does he ever have 2 bad days in a row. I think he'll be real tough to beat.
"I'd just love to make the Top 12. I'm sitting pretty high in points right now (6th), and in order for me to even have a change to win Angler of the Year (AOY), I'll have to have some Top 10s in these next few tournaments."
14th: Jordon the Day's Heavyweight
Kelly Jordon's 22-05 today accomplished a few things for him. First, it moved him up from 79th to 14th. Second, it helped him warm up to Grand – a little, at least.
"I was extremely happy," he said of his catch. "I hated this lake before today. I still don't like it whole lot, but I do like it a little better. Today was the first time I've ever weighed a fish over 3 1/2 pounds here."
His smallest was a 3-12, and his biggest was s 5-07. If his 22-05 holds up as the big sack of the tournament, he'll walk away with an extra $8,000.
What made the difference today was what he learned late yesterday, when he caught two good fish in the last 30 minutes. Those last two fish kept him from an 8-pound day-1 disaster. He took what he did for those two bites and did it all day today.
He caught about a dozen keepers, and was done fishing at about 12:30 or 1:00.
"I'm not fishing terribly deep, but I'm not fishing on the bank," he noted. "I caught all but one of them today on a Lucky Craft crankbait."
He trails VanDam by a little more than 9 pounds. On whether he thinks he can win, he said: "I doubled my weight from yesterday to today, so if I can double it again, maybe I'll have a chance."
In a more serious tone, he added: "I was in the right place at the right time, and that's the difference. It's a lot about timing. So hopefully I'll be in the groove tomorrow. Otherwise, I don't have a clue. I'm just tickled to death to catch that big sack today.
"I didn't even get a check here last year, so when I saw a good fish on the end of my line, it was like, 'Oh my gosh."
> Day 2 stats – 108 anglers, 97 limits (5 fewer than yesterday), 6 fours, 6 threes, 1 two, 1 zero (1 more than yesterday).
> Evers (an Oklahoman) on his move from 10th to 3rd: "I just fished a lot slower today. I realized people were going to catch them pretty good, so I went fishing for deep fish today."
> Mike McClelland, with 18-11 today, moved up from 11th to 5th. His biggest fish today was a 5-07. "I'm fishing shallower than last year. Last year I caught them out in 18 to 22 feet. The water color's the biggest thing affecting that. Yesterday I actually started out shallow, just to get a little of the pressure off. Today I (started) out a little deeper and it came together. I've fished every good place I know to catch a big one. I just keep fishing all new water all day long, trying to catch a big one. A 5-07 is a respectable fish, but you need a 6- or 7-pounder to kick your way up there."
> Duckett, who moved up from 15th to 4th, noted: "I'm still doing the same thing I did yesterday, but the bite got a little better today. I'm just running the same stuff. I hope it holds up for 2 more days. That's the key."
> Davy Hite weighed a 6-04 – the day's big bass – and moved up from 15th to 6th. "Yesterday I actually did a little better than I thought I could. Today was the same thing. I'm fishing hard, for big fish. I learned last year that you have to fish for big fish here."
> Bradley Stringer, another Oklahoman, sits in 22nd with 32-09. "I always make fun of these guys when they say, 'I just went fishing today.' I always thought that was baloney. But I've really just been fishing all week. I stayed shallow today and got the majority of my bites on a Berkley Chigger Craw."
> Oklahoman Tommy Biffle weighed 13-15 today and made the cut in 41st with 28-08. "I probably fished pretty dumb today," he said. "I stayed shallow too long. I haven't fished deep here in a long, long time. I started running some old, old places and they were there. I started kicking myself."
> BassFan Big Stick John Murray finished 13th here last year, but he never found the big fish in this go-round and finished 58th. To read his cut report, click here to go On Tour With the BassFan Big Sticks.
> BASS AOY leader Skeet Reese finished 67th. If VanDam makes the Top 12 cut tomorrow, he'll move into the AOY lead.
> Gerald Swindle on finishing 83rd and missing the cut: "I wouldn't have enough if I got up on those scales."
> Rick Clunn weighed twice what he did yesterday (12-05 vs. 6-07), but finished 101st. "I didn't figure anything out. You're supposed to be catching 19 pounds, and 12 pounds is really shy of that. I did spend more time cranking deep, but I never could find good groups of fish deep. That forced me to fish shallow."
Weather Forecast
Here's the forecast for the remaining tournament days.
> Sat, June 23 – Isolated T-Storms – 86°/70°
- Wind: From the S/SW at 12 mph
> Sun, June 24 – Scattered T-Storms – 87°/70°
- Wind: From the S at 12 mph
Day 2 Standings
1. Kevin VanDam -- Kalamazoo, MI -- 10, 43-03 -- 310
Day 1: 5, 21-11 -- Day 2: 5, 21-08
2. Marty Robinson -- Landrum, SC -- 10, 40-05 -- 295
Day 1: 5, 20-00 -- Day 2: 5, 20-05
3. Edwin Evers -- Talala, OK -- 10, 37-13 -- 290
Day 1: 5, 18-04 -- Day 2: 5, 19-09
4. Boyd Duckett -- Demopolis, AL -- 10, 36-13 -- 285
Day 1: 5, 17-07 -- Day 2: 5, 19-06
5. Mike McClelland -- Bella Vista, AR -- 10, 36-10 -- 280
Day 1: 5, 17-15 -- Day 2: 5, 18-11
6. Davy Hite -- Ninety Six, SC -- 10, 36-08 -- 276
Day 1: 5, 17-07 -- Day 2: 5, 19-01
7. Matt Reed -- Madisonville, TX -- 10, 35-04 -- 272
Day 1: 5, 15-08 -- Day 2: 5, 19-12
8. Jeff Kriet -- Ardmore, OK -- 10, 35-02 -- 268
Day 1: 5, 19-00 -- Day 2: 5, 16-02
9. Scott Rook -- Little Rock, AR -- 10, 35-01 -- 264
Day 1: 5, 14-05 -- Day 2: 5, 20-12
10. Timmy Horton -- Muscle Shoals, AL -- 10, 34-13 -- 260
Day 1: 5, 18-06 -- Day 2: 5, 16-07
11. Todd Faircloth -- Jasper, TX -- 10, 34-07255.5
Day 1: 5, 14-12 -- Day 2: 5, 19-11
11. Derek Remitz -- Hemphill, TX -- 10, 34-07255.5
Day 1: 5, 19-01 -- Day 2: 5, 15-06
13. Kevin Short -- Mayflower, AR -- 10, 34-06 -- 251
Day 1: 5, 17-10 -- Day 2: 5, 16-12
14. Kelly Jordon -- Mineola, TX -- 10, 34-00 -- 248
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 22-05
15. Ben Matsubu -- Hemphill, TX -- 10, 33-11 -- 244
Day 1: 5, 19-08 -- Day 2: 5, 14-03
15. Kenyon Hill -- Norman, OK -- 10, 33-11 -- 244
Day 1: 5, 15-05 -- Day 2: 5, 18-06
17. Peter E Thliveros -- Jacksonville, FL -- 10, 33-07 -- 241
Day 1: 5, 16-04 -- Day 2: 5, 17-03
18. Terry Scroggins -- San Mateo, FL -- 10, 33-06 -- 239
Day 1: 5, 18-09 -- Day 2: 5, 14-13
19. Aaron Martens -- Leeds, AL -- 10, 33-05 -- 236
Day 1: 5, 18-08 -- Day 2: 5, 14-13
19. Bill Lowen -- North Bend, OH -- 10, 33-05 -- 236
Day 1: 5, 14-15 -- Day 2: 5, 18-06
21. Alton Jones -- Waco, TX -- 10, 33-01 -- 233
Day 1: 5, 15-00 -- Day 2: 5, 18-01
22. Bradley Stringer -- Huntington, TX -- 10, 32-09 -- 231
Day 1: 5, 14-05 -- Day 2: 5, 18-04
23. Michael Iaconelli -- Runnemede, NJ -- 10, 32-08 -- 229
Day 1: 5, 19-08 -- Day 2: 5, 13-00
24. Denny Brauer -- Camdenton, MO -- 10, 31-02 -- 227
Day 1: 5, 16-06 -- Day 2: 5, 14-12
25. Ishama Monroe -- Hughson, CA -- 10, 30-13 -- 225
Day 1: 5, 14-14 -- Day 2: 5, 15-15
26. Jason Williamson -- Aiken, SC -- 10, 30-09 -- 223
Day 1: 5, 12-07 -- Day 2: 5, 18-02
27. Frank Scalish -- Cleveland Heights, OH -- 10, 30-05 -- 221
Day 1: 5, 13-11 -- Day 2: 5, 16-10
28. Jared Lintner -- Arroyo Grande, CA -- 10, 30-03 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 16-09 -- Day 2: 5, 13-10
28. Kotaro Kiriyama -- Moody, AL -- 10, 30-03 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 14-09 -- Day 2: 5, 15-10
30. Stephen Browning -- Hot Springs, AR -- 10, 30-02 -- 215
Day 1: 5, 16-15 -- Day 2: 5, 13-03
31. Dave Smith -- Del City, OK -- 10, 29-14 -- 213
Day 1: 5, 13-10 -- Day 2: 5, 16-04
32. Mark Tyler -- Vian, OK -- 9, 29-08 -- 210
Day 1: 5, 16-08 -- Day 2: 4, 13-00
32. Glenn Delong -- Bellville, OH -- 9, 29-08 -- 210
Day 1: 5, 15-08 -- Day 2: 4, 14-00
34. Byron Velvick -- Del Rio, TX -- 10, 29-06 -- 207
Day 1: 5, 14-04 -- Day 2: 5, 15-02
35. Darrin Schwenkbeck -- Varysburg, MD -- 10, 29-05 -- 205
Day 1: 5, 12-07 -- Day 2: 5, 16-14
36. Chris Lane -- Winter Haven, FL -- 10, 29-04 -- 203
Day 1: 5, 14-02 -- Day 2: 5, 15-02
37. Britt Myers -- Lake Wylie, NC -- 10, 29-02 -- 201
Day 1: 5, 13-15 -- Day 2: 5, 15-03
38. Morizo Shimizu -- Murrieta, CA -- 10, 28-15 -- 198
Day 1: 5, 15-04 -- Day 2: 5, 13-11
38. Jim Murray -- Arabi, GA -- 10, 28-15 -- 198
Day 1: 5, 16-13 -- Day 2: 5, 12-02
40. Brent Chapman -- Lake Quivira, KS -- 10, 28-12 -- 195
Day 1: 5, 13-00 -- Day 2: 5, 15-12
41. Tommy Biffle -- Wagoner, OK -- 10, 28-08 -- 193
Day 1: 5, 14-09 -- Day 2: 5, 13-15
42. Mark Tucker -- Saint Louis, MO -- 10, 28-05 -- 191
Day 1: 5, 16-04 -- Day 2: 5, 12-01
43. Bernie Schultz -- Gainesville, FL -- 10, 28-03 -- 189
Day 1: 5, 14-08 -- Day 2: 5, 13-11
44. James Niggemeyer -- Van, TX -- 10, 28-02 -- 187
Day 1: 5, 13-10 -- Day 2: 5, 14-08
45. Jimmy Mason -- Rogersville, AL -- 10, 28-01 -- 184
Day 1: 5, 14-10 -- Day 2: 5, 13-07
45. Jeremy Starks -- Charleston, WV -- 10, 28-01 -- 184
Day 1: 5, 15-11 -- Day 2: 5, 12-06
47. Scott Campbell -- Springfield, MO -- 10, 27-11 -- 181
Day 1: 5, 17-13 -- Day 2: 5, 09-14
48. John Crews -- Salem, VA -- 10, 27-07 -- 178
Day 1: 5, 15-04 -- Day 2: 5, 12-03
48. Greg Hackney -- Gonzales, LA -- 10, 27-07 -- 178
Day 1: 5, 13-13 -- Day 2: 5, 13-10
50. Russ Lane -- Prattville, AL -- 10, 27-03 -- 175
Day 1: 5, 12-14 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
The following anglers did not make the cut and won't be fishing tomorrow:
51. Jeff Reynolds -- Idabel, OK -- 10, 27-01 -- 173
Day 1: 5, 11-07 -- Day 2: 5, 15-10
52. Steve Kennedy -- Auburn, AL -- 10, 26-15 -- 171
Day 1: 5, 12-08 -- Day 2: 5, 14-07
53. Lee Bailey -- Boaz, AL -- 10, 26-14 -- 168
Day 1: 5, 15-07 -- Day 2: 5, 11-07
53. Grant Goldbeck -- Gaithersburg, MD -- 10, 26-14 -- 168
Day 1: 5, 15-14 -- Day 2: 5, 11-00
55. James Kennedy -- Lacombe, LA -- 10, 26-13 -- 165
Day 1: 5, 12-00 -- Day 2: 5, 14-13
56. Kevin Langill -- Terrell, NC -- 10, 26-09 -- 162
Day 1: 5, 15-15 -- Day 2: 5, 10-10
56. Brian Snowden -- Reeds Spring, MO -- 10, 26-09 -- 162
Day 1: 5, 13-00 -- Day 2: 5, 13-09
58. John Murray -- Phoenix, AZ -- 10, 26-05 -- 159
Day 1: 5, 13-06 -- Day 2: 5, 12-15
59. Shaw E Grigsby, Jr -- Gainesville, FL -- 10, 26-04 -- 157
Day 1: 5, 10-06 -- Day 2: 5, 15-14
60. Casey Ashley -- Donalds, SC -- 10, 26-02 -- 155
Day 1: 5, 12-15 -- Day 2: 5, 13-03
61. Marty Stone -- Fayetteville, NC -- 10, 26-01 -- 153
Day 1: 5, 12-13 -- Day 2: 5, 13-04
62. Ken Brodeur -- Niantic, CT -- 10, 25-14 -- 151
Day 1: 5, 14-01 -- Day 2: 5, 11-13
63. Randy Howell -- Springville, AL -- 9, 25-12 -- 149
Day 1: 5, 17-12 -- Day 2: 4, 08-00
64. Mark Menendez -- Paducah, KY -- 10, 25-06 -- 147
Day 1: 5, 16-00 -- Day 2: 5, 09-06
65. Kevin Wirth -- Crestwood, KY -- 10, 25-04 -- 144
Day 1: 5, 12-01 -- Day 2: 5, 13-03
65. Pete Ponds -- Madison, MS -- 9, 25-04 -- 144
Day 1: 5, 15-12 -- Day 2: 4, 09-08
67. Yusuke Miyazaki -- Mineola, TX -- 10, 25-03 -- 140
Day 1: 5, 10-14 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
67. Skeet Reese -- Auburn, CA -- 10, 25-03 -- 140
Day 1: 5, 14-04 -- Day 2: 5, 10-15
69. Gary Klein -- Weatherford, TX -- 10, 25-00 -- 136
Day 1: 5, 14-15 -- Day 2: 5, 10-01
69. Matthew Sphar -- Pavilion, NY -- 10, 25-00 -- 136
Day 1: 5, 11-08 -- Day 2: 5, 13-08
71. Takahiro Omori -- Emory, TX -- 10, 24-15 -- 133
Day 1: 5, 11-05 -- Day 2: 5, 13-10
72. Zell Rowland -- Montgomery, TX -- 10, 24-12 -- 131
Day 1: 5, 12-12 -- Day 2: 5, 12-00
73. Guy Eaker -- Cherryville, NC -- 10, 24-10 -- 129
Day 1: 5, 10-09 -- Day 2: 5, 14-01
74. Eric Nethery -- Acworth, GA -- 10, 24-09 -- 127
Day 1: 5, 11-13 -- Day 2: 5, 12-12
75. Mike Wurm -- Hot Springs, AR -- 10, 24-07 -- 124
Day 1: 5, 13-06 -- Day 2: 5, 11-01
75. Jason Quinn -- Lake Wylie, SC -- 10, 24-07 -- 124
Day 1: 5, 13-00 -- Day 2: 5, 11-07
77. Dave Wolak -- Wake Forest, NC -- 10, 24-06 -- 121
Day 1: 5, 10-05 -- Day 2: 5, 14-01
78. Preston Clark -- Palatka, FL -- 10, 24-04 -- 118
Day 1: 5, 14-15 -- Day 2: 5, 09-05
78. Doc Merkin -- Downers Grove, IL -- 10, 24-04 -- 118
Day 1: 5, 12-05 -- Day 2: 5, 11-15
80. James Charlesworth -- Saint Cloud, FL -- 10, 24-00 -- 115
Day 1: 5, 14-11 -- Day 2: 5, 09-05
81. Bradley Hallman -- Norman, OK -- 10, 23-15 -- 113
Day 1: 5, 14-01 -- Day 2: 5, 09-14
82. Gerald Swindle -- Warrior, AL -- 10, 23-14 -- 110
Day 1: 5, 13-06 -- Day 2: 5, 10-08
82. Greg Gutierrez -- Red Bluff, CA -- 10, 23-14 -- 110
Day 1: 5, 10-09 -- Day 2: 5, 13-05
84. Jon Bondy -- Windsor CANADA -- 10, 23-11 -- 107
Day 1: 5, 11-08 -- Day 2: 5, 12-03
85. Kurt Dove -- Fairfax, VA -- 10, 23-08 -- 105
Day 1: 5, 09-13 -- Day 2: 5, 13-11
86. Rick Ash -- Pottstown, PA -- 10, 23-05 -- 102
Day 1: 5, 10-06 -- Day 2: 5, 12-15
86. Terry Butcher -- Talala, OK -- 10, 23-05 -- 102
Day 1: 5, 12-15 -- Day 2: 5, 10-06
88. Elton Luce Jr -- Brookeland, TX -- 8, 23-03 -- 99
Day 1: 3, 07-05 -- Day 2: 5, 15-14
89. Rick Morris -- Virginia Beach, VA -- 7, 22-12 -- 97
Day 1: 5, 16-07 -- Day 2: 2, 06-05
90. Dean Rojas -- Grand Saline, TX -- 10, 22-09 -- 95
Day 1: 5, 11-12 -- Day 2: 5, 10-13
91. Paul Elias -- Laurel, MS -- 10, 22-02 -- 93
Day 1: 5, 10-01 -- Day 2: 5, 12-01
92. Ken D Cook -- Lawton, OK -- 10, 22-00 -- 91
Day 1: 5, 13-01 -- Day 2: 5, 08-15
93. Cliff Pace -- Petal, MS -- 9, 21-10 -- 89
Day 1: 4, 09-00 -- Day 2: 5, 12-10
94. William Smith Jr. -- Somerset, KY -- 10, 21-04 -- 87
Day 1: 5, 10-09 -- Day 2: 5, 10-11
95. Fred Roumbanis -- Auburn, CA -- 10, 21-00 -- 85
Day 1: 5, 09-15 -- Day 2: 5, 11-01
96. Mark Rogers -- Naples, FL -- 10, 20-15 -- 83
Day 1: 5, 10-00 -- Day 2: 5, 10-15
97. Steve Daniel -- Clewiston, FL -- 9, 20-12 -- 81
Day 1: 5, 10-13 -- Day 2: 4, 09-15
98. Jeff Connella -- Bentley, LA -- 10, 20-05 -- 78
Day 1: 5, 10-14 -- Day 2: 5, 09-07
98. Jami Fralick -- Martin, SD -- 10, 20-05 -- 78
Day 1: 5, 10-10 -- Day 2: 5, 09-11
100. Charlie Hartley -- Grove City, OH -- 10, 19-13 -- 76
Day 1: 5, 09-06 -- Day 2: 5, 10-07
101. Rick Clunn -- Ava, MO -- 8, 18-12 -- 75
Day 1: 3, 06-07 -- Day 2: 5, 12-05
102. Charlie Youngers -- Geneva, FL -- 7, 18-00 -- 74
Day 1: 2, 07-09 -- Day 2: 5, 10-07
103. Keith Phillips -- Calera, AL -- 7, 17-13 -- 73
Day 1: 2, 03-13 -- Day 2: 5, 14-00
104. Jimmy Mize -- Ben Lomond, AR -- 9, 17-03 -- 72
Day 1: 5, 09-08 -- Day 2: 4, 07-11
105. Paul Hirosky -- Guys Mills, PA -- 8, 16-07 -- 71
Day 1: 5, 11-02 -- Day 2: 3, 05-05
106. Ray Sedgwick -- Cross, SC -- 8, 16-06 -- 70
Day 1: 5, 09-09 -- Day 2: 3, 06-13
107. Matt Amedeo -- Clinton, OH -- 7, 14-12 -- 69
Day 1: 4, 07-15 -- Day 2: 3, 06-13
108. Bryan Hudgins -- Orange Park, FL -- 5, 09-00 -- 68
Day 1: 5, 09-00 -- Day 2: 0, 00-00
Big Bass
> Day 2 -- Davy Hite -- Ninety Six, SC -- 06-04 -- $1,000
> Day 1 -- Aaron Martens -- Leeds, AL -- 05-14 -- $1,000