(At approximately 7:30 P.M. ET BASS announced that Rick Morris' day 1 weight had been DQd for a violation of BASS Rule 14. For more on the story, click here.)
James Bond would love the standings after day 2 at the Smith Mt. Bassmaster Elite Series in Virginia. They're shaken, not stirred.
Only three anglers who were inside the Top 12 yesterday remained there today.
Boyd Duckett followed up his 19-05 day 1 with 14-09 today, and leads with 33-14 total, but his 3-pound lead was cut to just 13 ounces. That's because Casey Ashley, who's rooming with him at the event, had a career day.
Ashley sacked 22-00 fishing the mid-depths and climbed all the way from 49th to 2nd. BASS recently announced that the 2008 Bassmaster Classic would be held at South Carolina's Lake Hartwell. That's Ashley's home lake, and it apparently gave him a kick to get things going.
Another climber was 3rd-place Dean Rojas, who caught 18-05 and improved from 16th. His morning topwater bite played huge today, and with 31-07 total, he trails Duckett by just 2 1/2 pounds.
In 4th is Elite Series Angler of the Year (AOY) race leader Skeet Reese, whose 17-09 limit moved him up from 17th.
And currently 5th is veteran Shaw Grigsby, who caught 16-08 and moved up from 21st. Take away the West Coast swing, where he finished near last in both events, and this would be Grigsby's best season in a long while. Still, he's about 13 spots out of the Bassmaster Classic, and this will certainly edge him closer to that goal.
Here's a look at the current Top 12. Total weight is followed by distance from leader in red.
1. Boyd Duckett: 33-14
2. Casey Ashley: 33-01 (0-13)
3. Dean Rojas: 31-07 (2-07)
4. Skeet Reese: 30-10 (3-04)
5. Shaw Grigsby: 29-03 (4-11)
6. John Murray: 28-08 (5-06)
7. Matt Sphar: 27-15 (5-15)
8. Dave Wolak: 27-13 (6-01)
9. Fred Roumbanis: 26-15 (6-15)
10. Chris Lane: 26-13 (7-01)
11. Morizo Shimizu: 26-07 (7-07)
12. Mark Tucker: 26-06 (7-08)
Bryan Hudgins, who began the day in 2nd, caught 9-05 and fell to 17th. And Ish Monroe fell from 3rd to 31st with just 7-11 today. Others who fell out of the Top 12 were:
> Rick Clunn: 4th to 20th
> Rick Morris: 6th to 101st
> Gary Klein: 7th to 34th
> Tim Horton: 8th to 21st
> Mark Menendez: 9th 44th
> Denny Brauer: 11th to 22nd
> Matt Reed: 12th to 66th
> Britt Myers: 12th to 74th
They were replaced by: Ashley, Rojas, Reese, Grigsby, John Murray (24th to 6th), Dave Wolak (46th to 8th), Fred Roumbanis (54th to 9th), Chris Lane (25th to 10th), and Mark Tucker (31st to 12th).

Duckett thinks he needs current for his deep bite to go, but boat traffic and wind tomorrow might help it.
The field cuts to the Top 50 for tomorrow, and Charlie Youngers (with 20-07) was the first man out.
On paper, today's conditions seemed similar to yesterday's – mostly sunny skies, a high of 94 degrees, and light winds. But a significant haze appears to have made a significant difference in the clear water.
The big fish bit today and the weights across the board were significantly better.
Additionally, the high air temperatures have pushed the water temps up dramatically, and a number of fish are leaving their shallow haunts en route to their summer hangouts. A cold front is due tonight, however.
Where that puts the bite isn't clear just yet, but it does seem to give the deep guys an advantage. The shallow topwater bite in the morning is hot, but could be fading. A number of the Top 12 anglers are fishing the mid-depths, but some (perhaps many) of those fish are migratory.
The guys out deep seem to be fishing areas where the fish are just now arriving. With 2 more days to fish, that could become the deciding factor, especially if weekend boat traffic hammers the shallows. Deep water is traditionally more insulated against local pressure.
And the weights are still very close. The shakeup today shows that a 3-pound (or even 5-pound) deficit isn't much to overcome, provided two kickers reach the boat each of the next 2 days.
Duckett's lead is slim enough to call it an even heat between him and Ashley. And note that Duckett's deep bite basically went away today. So anyone inside the Top 30 has a chance to win over the next 2 days.
Duckett Ditched Deep Stuff
"I didn't think anybody was capable of catching 22 pounds, so welcome to reality in the Elite Series," Duckett said in reference to Ashley. "You don't think these boys can catch them? You'd better think again."
About his weight today, which was 5 pounds lighter than yesterday, he said: "They didn't pull water today – it was still and calm – and my deep fish petered out on me. I only caught one fish in the same area I caught all those fish yesterday, and I really had to regroup."
He went to his shallow fish, which he used to catch his limit, and plans to start shallow again tomorrow with topwater, then move back out deep.
"A lot of guys are catching a lot of topwater fish, and I probably missed the boat a little there," he noted. "I know they won't pull water tomorrow, but maybe the wind and the fish will drive them back to the bottom and I can catch them out in the deep water."
Without current, all his deep fish suspended today. He threw a ton of different things, even a long dropshot, but the fish wouldn't come down.
He added that he hopes to catch 15 pounds again tomorrow. "I think if I catch 15 pounds the next 2 days, I'll win it."
2nd: Ashley Amped
Ashley caught 22 pounds on day 1 at Clarks Hill earlier this year, then faded and eventually finished 8th. He did the reverse here, when he walloped 22 pounds on day 2 and moved to within 13 ounces of the leader.

Casey Ashley changed up today and stuck a monster 22-pound sack.
A factor in that, he said, was the announcement that the 2008 Bassmaster Classic would be at him home lake. He ditched his stuff from yesterday and took a different tack today.
"I feel great," he said. "But I don't know if I can do that again tomorrow. I got on a little something later in the day that I'd figured out earlier in the week.
"What I did yesterday didn't really work for me today, so I figured I'd try (the other pattern) again. I caught two 4-pounders off the same points, and stuck with it the rest of the day. Every bite I got today was the right bite."
He's staying in the same house as Boyd Duckett at this event. Duckett, of course, recently won the Classic on his home water (Lay Lake).
About the Classic, Ashley said: "I live 35 minutes from Hartwell. We were sitting there last night and Boyd said, 'The Classic's coming to your home lake. You'd better tighten up.' I went out today and changed strategy and it worked out big-time for me.
"I just have to stay in there and keep my head in the game and try to fish for points from here on out."
On whether he thinks he can win, he said: "I don't know. It just depends on (whether) I can get the good bites again tomorrow. This lake's day-to-day. They're shallow one day, then you have to go out deep."
3rd: Rojas Had it Early
Rojas caught an early topwater limit today, which gave him the cushion to go fishing in the afternoon. He culled a few times to work up to his 18-05.
"Anytime you can catch a big sack like that the second day, it's awesome," he said. "I feel good, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow."
He added: "There's some stuff I haven't really fished yet – I was waiting for tomorrow and Sunday. Those are the areas I'm really looking forward to fishing."
About whether he thinks he can win, he said: "Oh yeah. I think I have a legitimate shot. The area I'm fishing, I have it all to myself. I'm just looking forward to going out tomorrow and slugging it out with them.

An early topwater limit gave Rojas the freedom to roam in the afternoon.
"I don't know the history of the lake, so I'm just trying to catch the five biggest I can each day. A lot of nice sacks were caught, and you can see (the big fish) swimming around."
5th: Grigsby Finessing
Long before the finesse-fishing explosion, Grigsby was a master of the small stick. And he's right at home in the clear water.
"It was a great day today," he said. "I caught almost every one that bit me – I only lost one fish. And I'm doing what I like to do. I'm not sight-fishing, but I love finessing in clear water.
"I'm just having a good time and enjoying myself and catching lots and lots of fish."
He also noted that it was nice to get back on quality fish today. He'd caught two 5s the first day of practice, and had a pretty decent second day, but then a "terrible" third day of practice. His biggest today was nearly 5 pounds, and he caught a number of 3s.
"I've got some stuff going that I haven't even fished yet," he added. "That doesn't mean I'll have time to fish it. But I'll just go fishing, keep on the same deal I've been doing, and then if I need to adjust toward the end of the day I'll do that."
As noted, his western swing was a disaster, but he checked in every other event this year, and he's now in position to make his second consecutive Top 12 cut. One difference this year, he said, is that he's rooming with Gary Klein.
"No matter what you do, he (Klein) always makes you think," Grigsby said. "Just in conversation, every day, he makes you think, 'Oh my, I need to look at that.'
"He's been saying the whole time we're here that we're missing something. It keeps you focused. Before, I was off running, and handling business, and filming all this stuff, and not focusing that well in tournaments. This year, it's nice to be really focused on fishing."
6th: Murray Switched to Deep
Yesterday, Murray pounded his shallow bite and weighed mostly bed-fish. He did that for a little while this morning, caught two, but then things died at about 9:30.
That's when he pulled the plug and went out deep. Good news awaited him out there.
"I was dropshotting Roboworms and throwing jigs and Carolina-rigs, and caught a lot of fish today," he said. "I pre-fished for this (change). It was where they were going to, instead of where they were. It worked out today."
He trails Duckett by 5-06. About whether he thinks he could make up that deficit, he said: "Yes, on this lake, you could. But I'm just happy to make the (Top 50) cut, and I'll just try to get as many points as I can tomorrow.
"Winning is definitely possible. I didn't even hit my best deep spot today. I figured I'd save it for tomorrow, then hit it hard."
> Day 2 stats – 107 anglers, 69 limits (6 fewer than yesterday), 12 fours, 14 threes, 4 twos, 7 ones, 1 zero (2 fewer than yesterday).
> Reese will likely retain his lead in the AOY race after the event concludes. About his day, in which he moved from 17th to 4th, he said: "I haven't figured anything out. I caught five fish on five different baits today. I'll tell you what, though, today was meant to be. I had some weird things happen. I was fishing for a bed-fish, and here comes a school of 4- and 5-pounders. I'm very thankful to (have gotten) what I got."
> Rookie Matt Sphar, who's currently 7th, noted: "I actually got pretty lucky. I didn't know how I was going to get a big fish today. (My biggest) ended up being on a bed. I finally got it to bite a dropshot."
> Roumbanis, who climbed from 54th to 9th, said of his day: "I just landed what bit. Yesterday was one of those days. There were a lot of turnovers. It was a game of football, and the coach would have been a little upset."
> Virginia's John Crews rallied today with 14-08 and moved up 42 spots to 39th. "I made a little adjustment in how I was fishing some of my places," he said. "And I fished some new areas I knew were good. I know where they live, but (yesterday) I couldn't get them to bite. I didn't give up."
Weather Forecast
Here's the forecast for the tournament days.
> Sat, June 9 – Partly Cloudy – 88°/60°
- Wind: From the NW at 12 mph
> Sun, June 10 – Sunny – 87°/60°
- Wind: From the N at 7 mph
Day 2 Standings
1. Boyd Duckett -- Demopolis, AL -- 10, 33-14 -- 310
Day 1: 5, 19-05 -- Day 2: 5, 14-09
2. Casey Ashley -- Donalds, SC -- 10, 33-01 -- 295
Day 1: 5, 11-01 -- Day 2: 5, 22-00
3. Dean Rojas -- Grand Saline, TX -- 10, 31-07 -- 290
Day 1: 5, 13-02 -- Day 2: 5, 18-05
4. Skeet Reese -- Auburn, CA -- 10, 30-10 -- 285
Day 1: 5, 13-01 -- Day 2: 5, 17-09
5. Shaw E Grigsby, Jr -- Gainesville, FL -- 10, 29-03 -- 280
Day 1: 5, 12-11 -- Day 2: 5, 16-08
6. John Murray -- Phoenix, AZ -- 10, 28-08 -- 276
Day 1: 5, 12-10 -- Day 2: 5, 15-14
7. Matthew Sphar -- Pavilion, NY -- 10, 27-15 -- 272
Day 1: 5, 13-10 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
8. Dave Wolak -- Wake Forest, NC -- 10, 27-13 -- 268
Day 1: 5, 11-08 -- Day 2: 5, 16-05
9. Fred Roumbanis -- Auburn, CA -- 10, 26-15 -- 264
Day 1: 5, 10-11 -- Day 2: 5, 16-04
10. Chris Lane -- Winter Haven, FL -- 10, 26-13 -- 260
Day 1: 5, 12-08 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
11. Morizo Shimizu -- Murrieta, CA -- 10, 26-07 -- 257
Day 1: 5, 15-03 -- Day 2: 5, 11-04
12. Mark Tucker -- Saint Louis, MO -- 10, 26-06 -- 254
Day 1: 5, 12-01 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
13. Mike Wurm -- Hot Springs, AR -- 10, 26-02 -- 251
Day 1: 5, 12-04 -- Day 2: 5, 13-14
14. James Niggemeyer -- Van, TX -- 10, 26-01 -- 248
Day 1: 5, 10-04 -- Day 2: 5, 15-13
15. Mark Tyler -- Vian, OK -- 10, 26-00 -- 245
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 14-05
16. Stephen Browning -- Hot Springs, AR -- 10, 25-12 -- 243
Day 1: 5, 12-00 -- Day 2: 5, 13-12
17. Bryan Hudgins -- Orange Park, FL -- 10, 25-11 -- 241
Day 1: 5, 16-06 -- Day 2: 5, 09-05
18. Takahiro Omori -- Emory, TX -- 10, 25-08 -- 239
Day 1: 5, 12-01 -- Day 2: 5, 13-07
19. Kurt Dove -- Fairfax, VA -- 10, 25-04 -- 237
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 13-09
20. Rick Clunn -- Ava, MO -- 10, 24-12 -- 235 -- $1,000.00
Day 1: 5, 15-11 -- Day 2: 5, 09-01
21. Timmy Horton -- Muscle Shoals, AL -- 10, 24-11 -- 233
Day 1: 5, 13-14 -- Day 2: 5, 10-13
22. Denny Brauer -- Camdenton, MO -- 9, 24-08 -- 231
Day 1: 5, 13-09 -- Day 2: 4, 10-15
23. Randy Howell -- Springville, AL -- 10, 24-07 -- 229
Day 1: 5, 12-00 -- Day 2: 5, 12-07
24. Michael Iaconelli -- Runnemede, NJ -- 10, 24-05 -- 226
Day 1: 5, 09-08 -- Day 2: 5, 14-13
24. Terry Scroggins -- San Mateo, FL -- 10, 24-05 -- 226
Day 1: 5, 12-08 -- Day 2: 5, 11-13
26. Peter E Thliveros -- Jacksonville , FL -- 10, 24-04 -- 223
Day 1: 5, 09-06 -- Day 2: 5, 14-14
27. Cliff Pace -- Petal, MS -- 10, 24-02 -- 221
Day 1: 5, 10-15 -- Day 2: 5, 13-03
28. Jeremy Starks -- Charleston, WV -- 10, 23-15 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 10-15 -- Day 2: 5, 13-00
28. Russ Lane -- Prattville, AL -- 10, 23-15 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 12-04
30. Jason Quinn -- Lake Wylie, SC -- 10, 23-14 -- 214
Day 1: 5, 13-00 -- Day 2: 5, 10-14
30. Ishama Monroe -- Hughson, CA -- 8, 23-14 -- 214
Day 1: 5, 16-03 -- Day 2: 3, 07-11
32. Jeff Reynolds -- Idabel, OK -- 10, 23-11 -- 211
Day 1: 5, 13-04 -- Day 2: 5, 10-07
33. Gary Klein -- Weatherford, TX -- 10, 23-04 -- 209
Day 1: 5, 14-05 -- Day 2: 5, 08-15
34. Kelly Jordon -- Mineola, TX -- 10, 23-03 -- 207
Day 1: 5, 13-01 -- Day 2: 5, 10-02
35. Lee Bailey -- Boaz, AL -- 10, 23-01 -- 205
Day 1: 5, 12-11 -- Day 2: 5, 10-06
36. Marty Stone -- Fayetteville , NC -- 10, 22-11 -- 202
Day 1: 5, 13-04 -- Day 2: 5, 09-07
36. Bradley Stringer -- Huntington, TX -- 10, 22-11 -- 202
Day 1: 5, 09-07 -- Day 2: 5, 13-04
38. Edwin Evers -- Talala, OK -- 9, 22-07 -- 199
Day 1: 4, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 10-12
39. John Crews -- Salem, VA -- 9, 22-03 -- 197
Day 1: 4, 07-11 -- Day 2: 5, 14-08
40. Greg Hackney -- Gonzales, LA -- 10, 22-01 -- 195
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 10-06
41. Ray Sedgwick -- Cross, SC -- 10, 21-13 -- 193
Day 1: 5, 12-03 -- Day 2: 5, 09-10
42. Jared Lintner -- Arroyo Grande, CA -- 10, 21-11 -- 191
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 5, 10-00
43. Davy Hite -- Ninety Six, SC -- 10, 21-09 -- 188
Day 1: 5, 09-08 -- Day 2: 5, 12-01
43. Mark Menendez -- Paducah, KY -- 8, 21-09 -- 188
Day 1: 5, 13-13 -- Day 2: 3, 07-12
45. James Kennedy -- Lacombe, LA -- 10, 21-02 -- 185
Day 1: 5, 09-10 -- Day 2: 5, 11-08
46. Kevin VanDam -- Kalamazoo, MI -- 10, 21-00 -- 183
Day 1: 5, 09-15 -- Day 2: 5, 11-01
47. Gerald Swindle -- Warrior, AL -- 10, 20-12 -- 181
Day 1: 5, 11-03 -- Day 2: 5, 09-09
48. Kevin Wirth -- Crestwood, KY -- 10, 20-11 -- 178
Day 1: 5, 12-12 -- Day 2: 5, 07-15
48. Jeff Kriet -- Ardmore, OK -- 10, 20-11 -- 178
Day 1: 5, 08-02 -- Day 2: 5, 12-09
50. Doc Merkin -- Downers Grove, IL -- 8, 20-08 -- 175
Day 1: 3, 09-00 -- Day 2: 5, 11-08
51. Charlie Youngers -- Geneva, FL -- 9, 20-07 -- 173
Day 1: 4, 12-00 -- Day 2: 5, 08-07
52. Ken D Cook -- Lawton, OK -- 9, 20-05 -- 171
Day 1: 4, 07-01 -- Day 2: 5, 13-04
53. Steve Kennedy -- Auburn, AL -- 8, 20-03 -- 169
Day 1: 3, 06-09 -- Day 2: 5, 13-10
54. Kotaro Kiriyama -- Moody, AL -- 10, 19-14 -- 167
Day 1: 5, 09-07 -- Day 2: 5, 10-07
55. Jason Williamson -- Aiken, SC -- 9, 19-09 -- 165
Day 1: 5, 12-11 -- Day 2: 4, 06-14
56. Derek Remitz -- Hemphill, TX -- 10, 19-08 -- 163
Day 1: 5, 09-12 -- Day 2: 5, 09-12
57. Kenyon Hill -- Norman, OK -- 10, 19-06 -- 161
Day 1: 5, 10-09 -- Day 2: 5, 08-13
58. Kevin Short -- Mayflower, AR -- 8, 19-05 -- 159
Day 1: 3, 07-03 -- Day 2: 5, 12-02
59. Yusuke Miyazaki -- Mineola, TX -- 9, 18-13 -- 157
Day 1: 5, 12-04 -- Day 2: 4, 06-09
60. William Smith Jr. -- Somerset, KY -- 9, 18-12 -- 155
Day 1: 5, 12-08 -- Day 2: 4, 06-04
61. Aaron Martens -- Leeds, AL -- 10, 18-11 -- 153
Day 1: 5, 09-05 -- Day 2: 5, 09-06
62. Jimmy Mize -- Ben Lomond, AR -- 8, 18-09 -- 151
Day 1: 5, 11-15 -- Day 2: 3, 06-10
63. Marty Robinson -- Landrum, SC -- 10, 18-08 -- 148
Day 1: 5, 09-01 -- Day 2: 5, 09-07
63. James Charlesworth -- Saint Cloud, FL -- 9, 18-08 -- 148
Day 1: 5, 10-09 -- Day 2: 4, 07-15
65. Matt Reed -- Madisonville, TX -- 8, 18-02 -- 145
Day 1: 5, 13-06 -- Day 2: 3, 04-12
66. Brian Snowden -- Reeds Spring, MO -- 8, 17-15 -- 143
Day 1: 3, 08-09 -- Day 2: 5, 09-06
67. Preston Clark -- Palatka, FL -- 8, 17-13 -- 141
Day 1: 5, 11-14 -- Day 2: 3, 05-15
68. Todd Faircloth -- Jasper, TX -- 10, 17-10 -- 139
Day 1: 5, 08-15 -- Day 2: 5, 08-11
69. Zell Rowland -- Montgomery, TX -- 10, 17-09 -- 137
Day 1: 5, 09-07 -- Day 2: 5, 08-02
70. Jeff Connella -- Bentley, LA -- 8, 17-03 -- 135
Day 1: 3, 05-15 -- Day 2: 5, 11-04
71. Grant Goldbeck -- Gaithersburg, MD -- 7, 16-11 -- 133
Day 1: 3, 07-12 -- Day 2: 4, 08-15
72. Tommy Biffle -- Wagoner, OK -- 6, 16-10 -- 131
Day 1: 1, 04-04 -- Day 2: 5, 12-06
73. Paul Elias -- Laurel, MS -- 8, 16-09 -- 128
Day 1: 5, 08-13 -- Day 2: 3, 07-12
73. Britt Myers -- Lake Wylie, NC -- 7, 16-09 -- 128
Day 1: 5, 13-06 -- Day 2: 2, 03-03
75. Kevin Langill -- Terrell, NC -- 8, 16-04 -- 125
Day 1: 3, 05-00 -- Day 2: 5, 11-04
76. Jami Fralick -- Martin, SD -- 8, 15-14 -- 123
Day 1: 5, 11-00 -- Day 2: 3, 04-14
77. Terry Butcher -- Talala, OK -- 10, 15-12 -- 120
Day 1: 5, 07-05 -- Day 2: 5, 08-07
77. Jimmy Mason -- Rogersville, AL -- 8, 15-12 -- 120
Day 1: 5, 08-12 -- Day 2: 3, 07-00
79. Pete Ponds -- Madison, MS -- 7, 15-08 -- 117
Day 1: 5, 11-15 -- Day 2: 2, 03-09
80. Scott Rook -- Little Rock, AR -- 6, 15-06 -- 115
Day 1: 1, 01-05 -- Day 2: 5, 14-01
81. Bernie Schultz -- Gainesville, FL -- 8, 14-15 -- 113
Day 1: 5, 10-01 -- Day 2: 3, 04-14
82. Bill Lowen -- North Bend, OH -- 7, 14-11 -- 111
Day 1: 3, 04-15 -- Day 2: 4, 09-12
83. Bradley Hallman -- Norman, OK -- 7, 14-09 -- 108
Day 1: 5, 10-13 -- Day 2: 2, 03-12
83. Jim Murray -- Arabi, GA -- 7, 14-09 -- 108
Day 1: 2, 03-15 -- Day 2: 5, 10-10
85. Scott Campbell -- Springfield, MO -- 8, 14-07 -- 105
Day 1: 4, 08-13 -- Day 2: 4, 05-10
86. Guy Eaker -- Cherryville, NC -- 6, 14-01 -- 103
Day 1: 2, 05-10 -- Day 2: 4, 08-07
87. Mike McClelland -- Bella Vista, AR -- 8, 14-00 -- 101
Day 1: 5, 09-01 -- Day 2: 3, 04-15
88. Brent Chapman -- Lake Quivira, KS -- 7, 13-08 -- 98
Day 1: 2, 03-08 -- Day 2: 5, 10-00
88. Dave Smith -- Del City, OK -- 6, 13-08 -- 98
Day 1: 5, 11-14 -- Day 2: 1, 01-10
90. Keith Phillips -- Calera, AL -- 7, 13-06 -- 95
Day 1: 2, 03-01 -- Day 2: 5, 10-05
91. Ben Matsubu -- Hemphill, TX -- 8, 13-03 -- 93
Day 1: 4, 06-01 -- Day 2: 4, 07-02
92. Darrin Schwenkbeck -- Silver Spring, MD -- 6, 13-00 -- 91
Day 1: 5, 11-08 -- Day 2: 1, 01-08
93. Eric Nethery -- Acworth, GA -- 8, 12-14 -- 89
Day 1: 5, 07-09 -- Day 2: 3, 05-05
94. Alton Jones -- Waco, TX -- 7, 12-13 -- 87
Day 1: 2, 03-09 -- Day 2: 5, 09-04
95. Matt Amedeo -- Clinton, OH -- 7, 11-12 -- 85
Day 1: 2, 02-10 -- Day 2: 5, 09-02
96. Glenn Delong -- Bellville, OH -- 4, 11-07 -- 83
Day 1: 0, 00-00 -- Day 2: 4, 11-07
97. Steve Daniel -- Clewiston, FL -- 3, 11-01 -- 81
Day 1: 2, 08-06 -- Day 2: 1, 02-11
98. Paul Hirosky -- Guys Mills, PA -- 6, 10-11 -- 79
Day 1: 5, 09-06 -- Day 2: 1, 01-05
99. Frank Scalish -- Cleveland Heights, OH -- 6, 10-10 -- 77
Day 1: 2, 02-12 -- Day 2: 4, 07-14
100. Jon Bondy -- Windsor CANADA -- 4, 10-04 -- 76
Day 1: 1, 02-03 -- Day 2: 3, 08-01
101. Rick Morris -- Virginia Beach, VA -- 3, 09-02 -- 75
Day 1: 0, 00-00 -- Day 2: 3, 09-02
102. Ken Brodeur -- Niantic, CT -- 3, 09-00 -- 74
Day 1: 2, 07-11 -- Day 2: 1, 01-05
103. Byron Velvick -- Del Rio, TX -- 3, 07-11 -- 73
Day 1: 2, 06-02 -- Day 2: 1, 01-09
104. Rick Ash -- Pottstown, PA -- 4, 06-15 -- 72
Day 1: 1, 01-10 -- Day 2: 3, 05-05
105. Charlie Hartley -- Grove City, OH -- 4, 06-11 -- 71
Day 1: 2, 03-05 -- Day 2: 2, 03-06
106. Mark Rogers -- Naples, FL -- 1, 01-13 -- 70
Day 1: 0, 00-00 -- Day 2: 1, 01-13
107. Greg Gutierrez -- Red Bluff, CA -- 0, 00-00 -- 0
Day 1: 0, 00-00 -- Day 2: 0, 00-00
Big Bass
> Day 2 -- Dean Rojas -- Grand Saline, TX -- 06-05 -- $1,000
> Day 1 -- Rick Clunn -- Ava, MO -- 6-07 -- $1,000