Two predictions proved true today at the Smith Mt. Bassmaster Elite Series in Virginia. One was that a ton of different patterns would be going. That's a definite. The other was that the weights would be tightly packed. That's true too, but it takes a second look at the standings for that prediction to really shake out.
Boyd Duckett's fishing deep in the main lake. He whacked 19-05 and leads.
Behind him in 2nd is rookie Bryan Hudgins, who caught 16-06 fishing the mid-depths.
Then comes Ish Monroe. He stuck 16-03 and didn't reveal his target depths, but current influenced his bite, so it's a good bet he's somewhere from mid to deep.
In 4th is Rick Clunn with 15-11, and Morizo Shimizu rounds out the Top 5 with 15-03.
Yes, Duckett's lead is big right now at 3 pounds, but nearly everyone agrees that it would be difficult to repeat a 15-pound sack tomorrow, let alone 19 pounds. Instead, the general feeling is that a 13- to 14-pound daily average will win. And there's a giant pack of anglers swarming just below those weights.
To use 14 pounds as a target weight, leader Duckett could catch 9 pounds tomorrow (very possible), and settle at a 14-pound average. At the same time, Kevin Wirth, in 20th with 12-12, could catch 15 1/2 pounds tomorrow and be right there too. Or Kevin VanDam, in 58th with 9-15, could catch 15 pounds each of the next 2 days and touch the mark.
In reality, though, it could take as little as 13 to 13 1/2 pounds a day to win, which makes the whole thing that much more wide-open.
Conditions today were still and hot with sun and temperatures in the 90s. Reasonably stable weather is expected to continue.
As reported this morning by BassFan, Greg Gutierrez was DQd from the event for a violation of BASS Rule 3(ii). For coverage of the DQ, click here.
The field cuts to the Top 50 anglers after tomorrow (Friday), and the Top 12 after day 3. Heaviest 4-day weight wins. Here's how the Top 12 shake out right now. An angler's total weight is followed by distance from leader in red.
1. Boyd Duckett: 5. 19-05
2. Bryan Hudgins: 5, 16-06 (2-15)
3. Ish Monroe: 5, 16-03 (3-02)
4. Rick Clunn: 5, 15-11 (3-10)
5. Morizo Shimizu: 5, 15-03 (4-02)
6. Rick Morris: 5, 15-01 (4-04)
7. Gary Klein: 5, 14-05 (5-00)
8. Tim Horton: 5, 13-14 (5-07)
9. Mark Menendez: 5, 13-13 (5-08)
10. Matt Sphar: 5, 13-10 (5-11)
11. Denny Brauer: 5, 13-09 (5-12)
12. Matt Reed: 5, 13-06 (5-15)
12. Britt Myers: 5, 13-06 (5-15)
Duckett Feels Great
Duckett, the reigning Bassmaster Classic champ, has checked in only two events this year. And he's coming off a last-place finish at the recent Bassmaster Memorial Major. In other words, he needed a breakout event to turn his season around.
"Man, I feel great," he said. "Anytime you can get 19 pounds at Smith Mt., that's a good day. You have to be happy with that. I did do better than I thought (based on practice), but you never really know what (you have).
"I'm catching a good many fish," he added. "But I'm not suggesting there's pile of 4- and 5-pounders down there. Most are 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 pounds."
He figures if he can catch those 3 1/2-pounders, he can get his weight up around 15 pounds a day, which he thinks should be enough to win. "But I'll probably average 3 pounds. I've caught about one big fish every day, but you can't count on that."
He added that he likes what he's doing, which is finessing deep, main-lake areas. He now resides in Alabama, but he lived in Tennessee for 10 years, which gave him the background for what he's doing here.
"I fished this way at Dale Hollow, Percy Priest, Center Hill – I just love fishing this way. We don't get to fish this way much in tournaments now. Most places we go aren't much like this.
"Light line, deep water – I very much enjoy fishing this way, in addition to leading the tournament."

Bryan Hudgins thinks he's got plenty of fish left, he just needs one or two good bites a day.
2nd: Hudgins in a Rotation
Rookie Hudgins has had a pretty good season so far. He's checked in four of five events, and is in position to make his second Top 12 cut (his first was at Clarks Hill). And he's currently 4th in the BassFan Rookie of the Year Race.
He culled up to 16-06 today by working a rotation throughout several spots.
"It was a great day," he said. "I had a really good practice, and got bit in a lot of places. I have about 30 different spots, and it's just a matter of pulling up to the right one when they're feeding.
"After they feed, I think they go out and suspend, so if you hit a spot 15 times, once or twice you'll catch them."
Most of the spots are similar, and a few are very similar, so when one spot turns on, he knows the next spot to hit. And some of the spots, he said, are definitely better than others. He learned that today after he was able to start sticking fish.
His biggest was a 4 1/2. "Hopefully I can get a couple more good bites tomorrow," he noted.
Also notable is that current hasn't played a factor in his bite, but he is right in the middle of boat traffic, which should increase as the weekend nears.
"I think I've got enough fish for 4 days," he added. "I think there's still plenty of fish. I didn't even hit some of my spots today. It's all just a matter of one or two more good bites a day."
3rd: Monroe Unsure About Current
Ish Monroe came upon an interesting scenario today. His fish bit when the dam pulled water. But later he noticed the water was moving backward, up toward the river. His fish had also stopped biting.

Ish Monroe witnessed "reverse current" today, and says that may have killed his bite.
He's not sure if the reverse current killed his bite, because at the time, he'd already moved off his best stuff, but the whole experience does have him concerned that he needs current to get bit.
"I'm happy," he said of his 16-03 catch. "If I could do 15 pounds every day, that would be great. But I'm just hoping to go out and catch 10 or 12 tomorrow and stay in position to make the cut."
He noted his fish were fat and healthy, but he doesn't think they're bed-fish. Also notable is his thought that some of the others think they're catching bed-fish, but they're probably not.
"These fish – they're very territorial to trees and certain spots. They're calling them bed-fish, but I don't think many are actually bedding. I did look and didn't see any, but there might be one or two there."
About his current-based concern, he said: "I think current's triggering the fish. It has to be doing something. For my bite, it can't be back-generating like it was this afternoon."
6th: Morris Thinks 13
Morris came into the event thinking it would take 13 pounds a day to win, and he's sticking with that prediction. His 15-01 today, anchored by a 4-12, therefore gives him a buffer tomorrow. He could catch 11 pounds, and still zero out at his target average. But he's hoping for a little more than that.
"I could easily go out tomorrow and catch 7 or 8 pounds, but I think that could happen to anybody," he said. "This lake's that way. It's not the kind of lake where you can go and sit on a hole and catch fish every day. You have to be adaptable."
He said it was a "fabulous" day, and he didn't expect to catch 15-pounds. He also noted "it's a difficult lake to get bites on, and sometimes it's extremely difficult to catch a limit."
One thing he's got working is a Chatterbait, which he's skipping under docks. But he's doing a lot of other stuff too.
"I didn't have a very good practice, so I just went fishing from the hip. I did a little topwater, did a few docks, and caught my biggest fish 35 feet deep.
"I figure 13 pounds (a day) is absolutely going to win," he added.

Rick Clunn loves fishing new lakes because he says they fish big, as opposed to repeat venues which tend to fish small for him.
7th: Klein Stuck Kicker
Klein's bag was bolstered by a 5-pounder, which he said he was lucky to catch. With a 14-05 limit, he trails Duckett by 5 pounds.
"It was a great day on the water," he said. "I think like all of us, I was pleasantly surprised by what I caught today. I have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow, because I have no experience on this lake, so I'm just going to try to take it one at a time.
"Hopefully I'll catch another good stringer. I'd feel better if I was in Boyd's shoes, though. To have that kind of weight – that's pretty stout."
He added that he had the type of weight he expected until he connected with his 5. And he feels he needs another bite like that each of the next 2 days to make the Top 12 cut. If he can continue to average 15 pounds, he feels he'll be a threat to win.
About Smith Mt., he said: "I enjoy fishing it. It's a very busy lake – there's a lot of activity on the lake, and I know this weekend's going to be a cluster. But the fish are basically conditioned to it. It doesn't really spook them.
"The way I look at it, these guys are good and somebody's going to catch them. They'll figure out something."
> Day 1 stats – 107 anglers, 75 limits, 6 fours, 8 threes, 11 twos, 4 ones, 3 zeroes.
> Hudgins doesn't appear to have any rookie jitters. "I just go out and fish against the fish," he said. "However it plays out, it plays out. Worrying's not going to solve any problems."
> Clunn, in 4th, noted this is his first time at Smith Mt. About the lake, he said: "The first time you fish a lake, it's as big as it's going to get. Every time you fish a lake, it gets smaller. When I come here, I don't have any places, and I haven't eliminated any water. I don't know where someone caught fish the last tournament (so I don't try to) stay away from it. So the lake shrinks (the more you fish it). I love new lakes, and it's fishing big for me right now."
> New York's Matt Sphar caught a 13-10 sack, which included a 5-01. He's currently 10th. "I actually caught most of my fish by about 10:00," he said. "I have quite a few I think I can still go catch. I'm just hoping I can get one big bite a day. I got it today and I hope I can keep doing that."
> BassFan Big Stick John Murray had a good day and sits in 24th, but said he used up all his bed-fish. To read his report, click here to go On Tour With the BassFan Big Sticks.
> Morizo Shimizu caught 15-03 today, which puts him 5th. About his style, he referenced his shirt, which read "slow fishing."
> James Niggemeyer noted he was stung by a bark scorpion recently. "After the swelling's gone, it's all right," he said. He's 57th with 10-04.
> Alton Jones on his two-fish, 3-09 total: "I've actually seen bigger fish on a pizza."
Weather Forecast
Here's the forecast for the tournament days. For more weather news, including radar and satellite imagery, visit
> Fri, June 8 – Mostly Sunny – 94°/69°
- Wind: From the W/SW at 11 mph
> Sat, June 9 – Isolated T-Storms – 89°/59°
- Wind: From the NW at 12 mph
> Sun, June 10 – Mostly Sunny – 85°/60°
- Wind: From the E at 4 mph
Day 1 Standings
1. Boyd Duckett -- Demopolis, AL -- 5, 19-05 -- 305
Day 1: 5, 19-05
2. Bryan Hudgins -- Orange Park, FL -- 5, 16-06 -- 295
Day 1: 5, 16-06
3. Ishama Monroe -- Hughson, CA -- 5, 16-03 -- 290
Day 1: 5, 16-03
4. Rick Clunn -- Ava, MO -- 5, 15-11 -- 285
Day 1: 5, 15-11
5. Morizo Shimizu -- Murrieta, CA -- 5, 15-03 -- 280
Day 1: 5, 15-03
6. Rick Morris -- Virginia Beach, VA -- 5, 15-01 -- 276
Day 1: 5, 15-01
7. Gary Klein -- Weatherford, TX -- 5, 14-05 -- 272
Day 1: 5, 14-05
8. Timmy Horton -- Muscle Shoals, AL -- 5, 13-14 -- 268
Day 1: 5, 13-14
9. Mark Menendez -- Paducah, KY -- 5, 13-13 -- 264
Day 1: 5, 13-13
10. Matthew Sphar -- Pavilion, NY -- 5, 13-10 -- 260
Day 1: 5, 13-10
11. Denny Brauer -- Camdenton, MO -- 5, 13-09 -- 257
Day 1: 5, 13-09
12. Matt Reed -- Madisonville, TX -- 5, 13-06 -- 252.5
Day 1: 5, 13-06
12. Britt Myers -- Lake Wylie, NC -- 5, 13-06 -- 252.5
Day 1: 5, 13-06
14. Marty Stone -- Fayetteville , NC -- 5, 13-04 -- 246.5
Day 1: 5, 13-04
14. Jeff Reynolds -- Idabel, OK -- 5, 13-04 -- 246.5
Day 1: 5, 13-04
16. Dean Rojas -- Grand Saline, TX -- 5, 13-02 -- 243
Day 1: 5, 13-02
17. Kelly Jordon -- Mineola, TX -- 5, 13-01 -- 240
Day 1: 5, 13-01
17. Skeet Reese -- Auburn, CA -- 5, 13-01 -- 240
Day 1: 5, 13-01
19. Jason Quinn -- Lake Wylie, SC -- 5, 13-00 -- 237
Day 1: 5, 13-00
20. Kevin Wirth -- Crestwood, KY -- 5, 12-12 -- 235
Day 1: 5, 12-12
21. Shaw E Grigsby, Jr -- Gainesville, FL -- 5, 12-11 -- 231
Day 1: 5, 12-11
21. Lee Bailey -- Boaz, AL -- 5, 12-11 -- 231
Day 1: 5, 12-11
21. Jason Williamson -- Aiken, SC -- 5, 12-11 -- 231
Day 1: 5, 12-11
24. John Murray -- Phoenix, AZ -- 5, 12-10 -- 227
Day 1: 5, 12-10
25. William Smith Jr. -- Somerset, KY -- 5, 12-08 -- 223
Day 1: 5, 12-08
25. Terry Scroggins -- San Mateo, FL -- 5, 12-08 -- 223
Day 1: 5, 12-08
25. Chris Lane -- Winter Haven, FL -- 5, 12-08 -- 223
Day 1: 5, 12-08
28. Mike Wurm -- Hot Springs, AR -- 5, 12-04 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 12-04
28. Yusuke Miyazaki -- Mineola, TX -- 5, 12-04 -- 218
Day 1: 5, 12-04
30. Ray Sedgwick -- Cross, SC -- 5, 12-03 -- 215
Day 1: 5, 12-03
31. Mark Tucker -- Saint Louis, MO -- 5, 12-01 -- 212
Day 1: 5, 12-01
31. Takahiro Omori -- Emory, TX -- 5, 12-01 -- 212
Day 1: 5, 12-01
33. Randy Howell -- Springville, AL -- 5, 12-00 -- 207
Day 1: 5, 12-00
33. Stephen Browning -- Hot Springs, AR -- 5, 12-00 -- 207
Day 1: 5, 12-00
33. Charlie Youngers -- Geneva, FL -- 4, 12-00 -- 207
Day 1: 4, 12-00
36. Pete Ponds -- Madison, MS -- 5, 11-15 -- 202
Day 1: 5, 11-15
36. Jimmy Mize -- Ben Lomond, AR -- 5, 11-15 -- 202
Day 1: 5, 11-15
38. Preston Clark -- Palatka, FL -- 5, 11-14 -- 198
Day 1: 5, 11-14
38. Dave Smith -- Del City, OK -- 5, 11-14 -- 198
Day 1: 5, 11-14
40. Kurt Dove -- Fairfax, VA -- 5, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 5, 11-11
40. Greg Hackney -- Gonzales, LA -- 5, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 5, 11-11
40. Mark Tyler -- Vian, OK -- 5, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 5, 11-11
40. Jared Lintner -- Arroyo Grande, CA -- 5, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 5, 11-11
40. Russ Lane -- Prattville, AL -- 5, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 5, 11-11
40. Edwin Evers -- Talala, OK -- 4, 11-11 -- 190
Day 1: 4, 11-11
46. Dave Wolak -- Wake Forest, NC -- 5, 11-08 -- 182
Day 1: 5, 11-08
46. Darrin Schwenkbeck -- Silver Spring, MD -- 5, 11-08 -- 182
Day 1: 5, 11-08
48. Gerald Swindle -- Warrior, AL -- 5, 11-03 -- 179
Day 1: 5, 11-03
49. Casey Ashley -- Donalds, SC -- 5, 11-01 -- 177
Day 1: 5, 11-01
50. Jami Fralick -- Martin, SD -- 5, 11-00 -- 175
Day 1: 5, 11-00
51. Jeremy Starks -- Charleston, WV -- 5, 10-15 -- 172
Day 1: 5, 10-15
51. Cliff Pace -- Petal, MS -- 5, 10-15 -- 172
Day 1: 5, 10-15
53. Bradley Hallman -- Norman, OK -- 5, 10-13 -- 169
Day 1: 5, 10-13
54. Fred Roumbanis -- Auburn, CA -- 5, 10-11 -- 167
Day 1: 5, 10-11
55. James Charlesworth -- Saint Cloud, FL -- 5, 10-09 -- 164
Day 1: 5, 10-09
55. Kenyon Hill -- Norman, OK -- 5, 10-09 -- 164
Day 1: 5, 10-09
57. James Niggemeyer -- Van, TX -- 5, 10-04 -- 161
Day 1: 5, 10-04
58. Bernie Schultz -- Gainesville, FL -- 5, 10-01 -- 159
Day 1: 5, 10-01
59. Kevin VanDam -- Kalamazoo, MI -- 5, 09-15 -- 157
Day 1: 5, 09-15
60. Derek Remitz -- Hemphill, TX -- 5, 09-12 -- 155
Day 1: 5, 09-12
61. James Kennedy -- Lacombe, LA -- 5, 09-10 -- 153
Day 1: 5, 09-10
62. Michael Iaconelli -- Runnemede, NJ -- 5, 09-08 -- 150
Day 1: 5, 09-08
62. Davy Hite -- Ninety Six, SC -- 5, 09-08 -- 150
Day 1: 5, 09-08
64. Kotaro Kiriyama -- Moody, AL -- 5, 09-07 -- 145
Day 1: 5, 09-07
64. Zell Rowland -- Montgomery, TX -- 5, 09-07 -- 145
Day 1: 5, 09-07
64. Bradley Stringer -- Huntington, TX -- 5, 09-07 -- 145
Day 1: 5, 09-07
67. Peter E Thliveros -- Jacksonville , FL -- 5, 09-06 -- 140
Day 1: 5, 09-06
67. Paul Hirosky -- Guys Mills, PA -- 5, 09-06 -- 140
Day 1: 5, 09-06
69. Aaron Martens -- Leeds, AL -- 5, 09-05 -- 137
Day 1: 5, 09-05
70. Mike McClelland -- Bella Vista, AR -- 5, 09-01 -- 134
Day 1: 5, 09-01
70. Marty Robinson -- Landrum, SC -- 5, 09-01 -- 134
Day 1: 5, 09-01
72. Doc Merkin -- Downers Grove, IL -- 3, 09-00 -- 131
Day 1: 3, 09-00
73. Todd Faircloth -- Jasper, TX -- 5, 08-15 -- 129
Day 1: 5, 08-15
74. Paul Elias -- Laurel, MS -- 5, 08-13 -- 126
Day 1: 5, 08-13
74. Scott Campbell -- Springfield, MO -- 4, 08-13 -- 126
Day 1: 4, 08-13
76. Jimmy Mason -- Rogersville, AL -- 5, 08-12 -- 123
Day 1: 5, 08-12
77. Brian Snowden -- Reeds Spring, MO -- 3, 08-09 -- 121
Day 1: 3, 08-09
78. Steve Daniel -- Clewiston, FL -- 2, 08-06 -- 119
Day 1: 2, 08-06
79. Jeff Kriet -- Ardmore, OK -- 5, 08-02 -- 117
Day 1: 5, 08-02
80. Grant Goldbeck -- Gaithersburg, MD -- 3, 07-12 -- 115
Day 1: 3, 07-12
81. John Crews -- Salem, VA -- 4, 07-11 -- 112
Day 1: 4, 07-11
81. Ken Brodeur -- Niantic, CT -- 2, 07-11 -- 112
Day 1: 2, 07-11
83. Eric Nethery -- Acworth, GA -- 5, 07-09 -- 109
Day 1: 5, 07-09
84. Terry Butcher -- Talala, OK -- 5, 07-05 -- 107
Day 1: 5, 07-05
85. Kevin Short -- Mayflower, AR -- 3, 07-03 -- 105
Day 1: 3, 07-03
86. Ken D Cook -- Lawton, OK -- 4, 07-01 -- 103
Day 1: 4, 07-01
87. Steve Kennedy -- Auburn, AL -- 3, 06-09 -- 101
Day 1: 3, 06-09
88. Byron Velvick -- Del Rio, TX -- 2, 06-02 -- 99
Day 1: 2, 06-02
89. Ben Matsubu -- Hemphill, TX -- 4, 06-01 -- 97
Day 1: 4, 06-01
90. Jeff Connella -- Bentley, LA -- 3, 05-15 -- 95
Day 1: 3, 05-15
91. Guy Eaker -- Cherryville, NC -- 2, 05-10 -- 93
Day 1: 2, 05-10
92. Kevin Langill -- Terrell, NC -- 3, 05-00 -- 91
Day 1: 3, 05-00
93. Bill Lowen -- North Bend, OH -- 3, 04-15 -- 89
Day 1: 3, 04-15
94. Tommy Biffle -- Wagoner, OK -- 1, 04-04 -- 87
Day 1: 1, 04-04
95. Jim Murray -- Arabi, GA -- 2, 03-15 -- 85
Day 1: 2, 03-15
96. Alton Jones -- Waco, TX -- 2, 03-09 -- 83
Day 1: 2, 03-09
97. Brent Chapman -- Lake Quivira, KS -- 2, 03-08 -- 81
Day 1: 2, 03-08
98. Charlie Hartley -- Grove City, OH -- 2, 03-05 -- 79
Day 1: 2, 03-05
99. Keith Phillips -- Calera, AL -- 2, 03-01 -- 77
Day 1: 2, 03-01
100. Frank Scalish -- Cleveland Heights, OH -- 2, 02-12 -- 76
Day 1: 2, 02-12
101. Matt Amedeo -- Clinton, OH -- 2, 02-10 -- 75
Day 1: 2, 02-10
102. Jon Bondy -- Windsor CANADA -- 1, 02-03 -- 74
Day 1: 1, 02-03
103. Rick Ash -- Pottstown, PA -- 1, 01-10 -- 73
Day 1: 1, 01-10
104. Scott Rook -- Little Rock, AR -- 1, 01-05 -- 72
Day 1: 1, 01-05
105. Greg Gutierrez -- Red Bluff, CA -- 0, 00-00 -- 0
Day 1: 0, 00-00
105. Mark Rogers -- Naples, FL -- 0, 00-00 -- 0
Day 1: 0, 00-00
105. Glenn Delong -- Bellville, OH -- 0, 00-00 -- 0
Day 1: 0, 00-00
Big Bass
> Day 1 -- Rick Clunn -- Ava, MO -- 06-07 -- $1,000