Moving day at the Guntersville Bassmaster was kind to the young and old alike. The Top 12 shuffle that normally accompanies day 2 delivered some older, and some younger faces, to the cut crowd. Veterans Rick Clunn, David Fritts and Davy Hite all moved into the Top 12. But alongside them are relative young guns like Jason Quinn, Edwin Evers, Michael Hicks and Morizo Shimizu. Evers caught enough today (19
-08) to maintain his lead, and his two-day total is 47-07.
His near-50 total is about on pace with last year's winning weight, but sniffing from 2nd is Japan's Morizo Shimizu with 43-03 (21-14 today). Michael Hicks moved up two spots to 3rd with 18-06 today and Jason Quinn's 18-08 improved his lot by 7 spots – he's in 4th with 37-11 total. The mighty Rick Clunn rounds out the Top 5. He moved up from 35th on the strength of his 21-09 today.
Here's the 12 anglers who will fish tomorrow, along with their total weight. Each angler caught a limit.
1. Edwin Evers, 47-07
2. Morizo Shimizu, 43-03
3. Michael Hicks, 40-00
4. Jason Quinn, 37-11
5. Rick Clunn, 37-09
6. Zell Rowland, 37-04
7. Bud Pruitt, 37-03
8. Tommy Biffle, 37-01
9. David Fritts, 36-07
10. Davy Hite, 35-14
10. Gerald Swindle, 35-14
12. Tim Horton, 35-07 lb
Notable surprises are: Pruitt moved from 36th to 7th (21-04 today), Fritts moved from 29th to 9th (19-15 today), Hite came from 18th (18-16 today) and Swindle charged from all the way back in the 104th-place spot with his massive 27-15 today. Horton also climbed. He was in 31st yesterday but is now 12th after he caught 19-03 today.
First out of the cut was Robert Hamilton, Jr. with 35-02, which was 5 ounces in back of Horton. Evers leads Shimizu by 4-04 and 12 pounds separates 12th from 1st.
Dropouts include Jack Wade, who caught 3-06 today and fell from 2nd to 38th. Also gone from yesterday's Top 12 are Jack Gadlage (17th, 33-03), Yusuke Miyazaki (18th, 33-00), Terry Scroggins (32nd, 29-10), Skeet Reese (36th, 28-15), Jimmy Houston (55th, 24-13), and Mark Rose, who zeroed today (77th, 20-03).
A big factor for the Top 12 is the BFL tournament that launches tomorrow. BFL anglers have fished close to a more than a few of the leaders, and could beat them to their water tomorrow.
Evers Excited
"I'm excited as can be," Evers said. "But I didn't catch as many as I caught yesterday."
He said the water dropped last night. "They dropped it big time. I don't think it hurt me, though. I fished the same area as yesterday."
There's a host of dangerous veterans in the Top 12, but he said that doesn't bother him. "I'm not worried about it. I've got to go catch them, and it's irrelevant what everybody else does.

This is Morizo Shimizu's first Bassmaster cut, and he's "nervous."
"I'm keeping my fingers crossed, hoping for a big bite tomorrow. I tried to catch everything I could today. I could have landed a few more, but I never pulled off them."
He has no plans to change anything tomorrow morning. "I'll just go and try to get in and amongst them."
Shimizu Nervous
Shimizu, from Osaka, Japan, spoke to BassFan through a translator.
"I am very nervous right now," he said.
This is his first Bassmaster Tour Top 12, but he's made the cut a few times on the FLW Tour. "Rick Clunn made a cut with me before, and David Fritts too. And many times I've fished the same area as (Tommy) Biffle. I respect American fishermen."
He said he has two areas. "Both areas have big fish. And I'm lucky, because in those areas, there were no people the last 2 days."
Hicks on a Good Stretch
"I caught a lot more fish today," Hicks said. He's in 3rd. "They weren't quite as big, but I figured out another little thing. The fish changed and I had to fish a little deeper in the area I was fishing."
He fished the same area he did yesterday. "I tried to catch as much as I could. I wasn't holding back any. I probably caught three limits today."
He also noted the water-level change. "I could just see the bottom in a lot of places where I was casting to today. They were dropping it all day yesterday, and overnight. You could really tell the difference this morning."

MIchael Hicks said his career's at the point where it's do or die.
He said he's fishing stained water and it's getting clear on him. "But I don't think clearer water will hurt me too bad."
One thing that does worry him is the BFL tournament tomorrow. "The BFL is worrying me a lot. I had a lot of guys practicing on me today. It's a public hole anyway, so I'll just have to tough it out tomorrow.
"I never saw anybody else catch a fish around me today. I'm doing something different. Most guys are throwing Rat-L-Traps. I'm not."
He said his area seems to be replenishing. "I expanded on my stuff a little today. I caught fish on an area that's really similar, but not the same place I'm fishing.
"I'm fishing probably a half-mile stretch of shoreline, and I'm fishing little key places on it. I think I could fish it tomorrow and catch a limit, or venture out and catch a limit too.
"I think the pattern's the biggest thing. My amateur didn't have a fish with an hour to go. I gave him one of my baits and he caught one and lost one in the last hour.
"So yeah, I feel pretty good. Actually, I feel great. I'm ready to go fishing. This is the first time I made one of these. To be honest, it's down to the point in my career where it's do or die. Hopefully, this will help me a little."
Quinn Saving Spot
"It was a pretty good day," Quinn said. He's in 4th. "I fished one area the last 2 days, and I've still got another area I really haven't utilized yet.
"On the way back in yesterday, I stopped on that spot and caught two 3 1/2-pounders on back-to-back casts. It's the only time I've messed with that place at all."
He said he won't start there tomorrow, though. He'll go back to the area he's been fishing. "I'll go to my primary place, give it my all and see what I can catch. You can catch 20 to 25 pounds pretty easy here."
He said his primary area has a lot of fish, and more keep showing up. "There's a bunch of fish in the area, but it's replenishing as well. It's right off the main river channel and it has a big spawning cove in the back. It's basically a big staging flat.
"The grass is mostly dead here – it died and never came back up – but this place has good green milfoil. They're moving up to it every day."
He didn't have any BFL anglers around him today, but said he feels the BFL tournament tomorrow could affect the outcome of this tournament.
"There were no BFL guys around me today, but that may be a factor tomorrow. I'm not far from where those guys are taking off from. I think that's going to be big factor in who wins. I'm sure the BFL guys were watching Edwin (Evers) and those guys. It'll be a big factor in the outcome of this tournament."
He thinks he can catch a big bag tomorrow. "I'm pretty confident. I've not caught a bag yet like I thought I could catch. I had 19 yesterday and 18 1/2 today. I'm looking at going out and catching a big bag. I know they're there."
Fritts Found 20-Pound Stump
Fritts didn't have a great start in Florida – 101st at Toho and 45th at the Harris Chain – and he's battling a career-threatening eye injury. He was due for a big day, and he got it today. He caught 19-15 and climbed from 29th to 9th.
"It was pretty slow," he said. "I had two fish at 2:00. I just abandoned what I'd been doing, caught on to what I do the best and went out there and went to some areas where I'd caught fish before.
"I pulled up on one stump and caught about 20 pounds.
"I'll tell you what, if the water hadn't come up and gotten dirty, this lake would have been unbelievable. I had 25 pounds a day the first 2 days of practice, but the third day wasn't so good. This lake has so many fish it's incredible."
He said he has to work for his fish. "You get out here on little grasslines and it's just a matter of finding fish, then finessing them into biting. They haven't bit as good as they bit in practice – you have to catch one here, one there. In practice, I only had to make one stop. Now I'm having to work."
He missed the cut here last year by four spots. "I was pretty determined this year," he said.
He noted his hooks made a big difference. "We've got some new hooks right now. I've only had one fish that bit my bait and didn't get it. But that hook caught every other one.
"It's the (VMC) SureSet – we had to change the name from Scorpion (Treble). Man, that thing's so incredible – you can throw the fish into the boat. If I'd lost one of those fish today, I wouldn't have made the cut."
He said he'll try to expand tomorrow, but also work with what he's got. "I'll still make the same little milk run. But today, I never caught a fish where I caught them yesterday. And where I caught them today, I didn't catch them yesterday. I knew the fish were there – I just changed up my timing a little and got them to bite."
He said the moon has created an afternoon bite, but that's a problem. "With this full moon, it's an afternoon bite, but we don't have much of an afternoon to fish. That's the only thing that concerns me. If we could fish until 4:00, I think I could catch 25 pounds."
He noted his eye problem is not really improving, although his special glasses have helped. "With the eye, I'm surviving. I've got the (prism) glasses on, and at least I can see. It's doing pretty good. I've got no complaints – I haven't fallen out of the boat yet. And I launched – which I couldn't do before.
"I'm pretty grateful for whatever I've got."
Hite Fished Same as Yesterday
Hite was another angler who made a big move – in his case, from 18th to a tie for 10th.
"It was a good day," he said. "It was good to catch a few. I like Florida, but as a whole it hasn't been very good to me. Alabama has been a lot better and it feels good to be back on the right track."
He was consistent both days. "I really didn't change anything up," he said. "I fished basically the same way as yesterday. I had 18 today, and 17 1/2 the day before."
He'd like to see that weight go up, though. "I hope tomorrow it'll be maybe 19 or 20. I haven't had a big bite yet. I've not caught a 5-pounder yet. A big bite will really make a difference. To catch the big sacks, you need a 7- or 8-pounder."
He tried for a bigger bite today. "I tried changing up some baits and doing some different things. But now that I've made the cut, I have to go for the win – maybe spend a little more time trying something to get a big bite. That's definitely what I need to do to make the cut on Sunday."

Gerald Swindle rocked Guntersville for almost 28 pounds and made the cut from 104th.
He had BFL anglers around him today. "I had a lot of guys watching me – practicing real close to me. I'll try to be nice and polite and work with them as best I can. We're all out there to have fun and enjoy the sport we all love.
"But I don't know what I'll do in the morning. They've been watching me catch them. I'll say a little prayer before we take off and try to work things out."
Swindle Spanked 27-15
Swindle caught a huge sack today – the same weight Evers caught yesterday – and moved from 104th to 10th.
"Nobody wanted to talk to me when I caught 8 pounds yesterday, but we're talking now, aren't we?" he said.
"I fished the same area – the same stuff I fished yesterday – the wind direction just got right today. I'm fishing some rocks in a pocket, and the wind got to blowing into it and stirred everything up. Yesterday the wind bled around it and I caught 12 or 14 shorts.
"My fish are real wind-oriented – they're real sensitive to it. I caught four doing that this morning, then made a little adjustment and started casting a jig on some rock points I know about. I caught an 8 1/2 and two 5s doing that."
When he launched this morning, he didn't think about making the cut. "I didn't go out looking for anything like that this morning. I knew exactly what was on the line, and I didn't even look at the cut.
"I looked at the E50s. I started today thinking I needed to go out and catch 15 or 16 pounds to keep my E50 standings. I didn't even really consider the cut. Then I culled up and had 20 pounds in the boat. I still wasn't thinking about the cut. I was thinking, this'll really help me in the Angler of the Year race.
"Then I got up around 27 or 28 pounds and thought, I might not make the cut, but it'll be good points and a good check. Then I came in and made the cut."
> Day 1 stats – 158 anglers, 48 limits, 9 zeroes.
> Dustin Wilks (104th) was cited for criminal mischief in the 3rd degree following an incident during Wednesday's practice round when he encountered a gill net on the lake. BASS Tournament Department officials are reviewing the matter with Wilks and law enforcement officials and a ruling will be forthcoming. An update will be posted in Dock Talk shortly.
> BassFan Big Stick Jarrett Edwards finished 99th with 16-07. For his wrap-up, click here to go On Tour With the BassFan Big Sticks.
> Evers' day took a wrong turn just 5 minutes after he left the launch ramp when his boat went dead on the water. While he waited for a replacement boat to arrive, he caught a keeper in the middle of the lake.
> Wade, who plummeted from 2nd to 38th, caught just one fish today. "I just couldn't get bit," he said. "I thought I'd catch them in the sunshine on the jerkbait. I never got a bite on the big Pointer Minnow I was throwing. I finally switched to a Rogue and caught the one I caught. I think the falling water hurt me more than anything. I should have went up the lake and looked for some dirtier water."
> Hicks' father, Thomas Hicks, is a two-time Bassmaster Classic qualifier ('83 and '86).
Weather Forecast
> Sat, Feb 26 – Partly Cloudy – 62°/40°
- Wind: From the E/NE at 5 mph
> Sun, Feb 27 – Rain – 56°/42°
- Wind: From the E/SE at 10 mph
Day 2 Standings
1. -- Edwin Evers -- Mannsville, Okla. -- 10, 47-07 -- 310 -- $1,000
Day 1: 5, 27-15 -- Day 2: 5, 19-08
2. -- Morizo Shimizu -- Murrita, Calif. -- 10, 43-03 -- 295
Day 1: 5, 21-05 -- Day 2: 5, 21-14
3. -- Mike Hicks -- Mineral, Va. -- 10, 40-00 -- 290
Day 1: 5, 21-10 -- Day 2: 5, 18-06
4. -- Jason Quinn -- Clover, S.C. -- 10, 37-11 -- 285
Day 1: 5, 19-03 -- Day 2: 5, 18-08
5. -- Rick Clunn -- Ava, Mo. -- 10, 37-09 -- 280
Day 1: 5, 16-00 -- Day 2: 5, 21-09
6. -- Zell Rowland -- Montgomery, Texas -- 10, 37-04 -- 276
Day 1: 5, 17-01 -- Day 2: 5, 20-03
7. -- Bud Pruitt -- Spring, Texas -- 10, 37-03 -- 272
Day 1: 5, 15-15 -- Day 2: 5, 21-04
8. -- Tommy Biffle -- Wagoner, Okla. -- 9, 37-01 -- 268
Day 1: 5, 25-04 -- Day 2: 4, 11-13
9. -- David Fritts -- Lexington, N.C. -- 10, 36-07 -- 264
Day 1: 5, 16-08 -- Day 2: 5, 19-15
10. Davy Hite -- Prosperity, S.C. -- 10, 35-14 -- 260
Day 1: 5, 17-08 -- Day 2: 5, 18-06
10. Gerald Swindle -- Hayden, Ala. -- 8, 35-14 -- 260 -- $1,000
Day 1: 3, 7-15 -- Day 2: 5, 27-15
12. Tim Horton -- Muscle Shoals, Ala. -- 10, 35-07 -- 254
Day 1: 5, 16-04 -- Day 2: 5, 19-03
The following anglers did not make the cut and will not be fishing tomorrow:
13. Robert Hamilton Jr -- Hattiesburg, Miss. -- 9, 35-02 -- 251 -- $5,400
Day 1: 4, 13-14 -- Day 2: 5, 21-04
14. Aaron Martens -- Castaic, Calif. -- 10, 34-12 -- 248 -- $5,300
Day 1: 5, 18-11 -- Day 2: 5, 16-01
15. Eric Nethery -- Acworth, Ga. -- 10, 34-01 -- 245 -- $5,200
Day 1: 5, 16-04 -- Day 2: 5, 17-13
16. Marty Stone -- Linden, N.C. -- 10, 33-07 -- 243 -- $5,100
Day 1: 5, 17-13 -- Day 2: 5, 15-10
17. Jack A Gadlage -- Benton, Ky. -- 9, 33-03 -- 241 -- $5,000
Day 1: 5, 20-08 -- Day 2: 4, 12-11
18. Yusuke Miyazaki -- Mineola, Texas -- 10, 33-00 -- 239 -- $4,900
Day 1: 5, 18-14 -- Day 2: 5, 14-02
19. Michael Iaconelli -- Runnemede, N.J. -- 10, 32-14 -- 237 -- $4,800
Day 1: 5, 11-03 -- Day 2: 5, 21-11
20. Jesse Draime -- Long Beach, Miss. -- 9, 32-08 -- 235 -- $4,700
Day 1: 4, 14-03 -- Day 2: 5, 18-05
21. Jay Yelas -- Tyler, Texas -- 10, 32-06 -- 233 -- $4,600
Day 1: 5, 16-09 -- Day 2: 5, 15-13
22. Luke Clausen -- Spokane Valley, Wash. -- 10, 31-15 -- 231 -- $4,500
Day 1: 5, 16-03 -- Day 2: 5, 15-12
23. Charlie Hartley -- Grove City, Ohio -- 10, 31-14 -- 229 -- $4,350
Day 1: 5, 14-01 -- Day 2: 5, 17-13
23. Mark Tyler -- Scottsdale, Ariz. -- 9, 31-14 -- 229 -- $4,350
Day 1: 4, 14-09 -- Day 2: 5, 17-05
25. Jay Kendrick -- Ooltewah, Tenn. -- 9, 31-03 -- 225 -- $4,200
Day 1: 4, 14-04 -- Day 2: 5, 16-15
26. David Gliebe -- Stockton, Calif. -- 7, 31-02 -- 223 -- $4,100
Day 1: 2, 11-06 -- Day 2: 5, 19-12
27. Takahiro Omori -- Emory, Texas -- 10, 31-00 -- 221 -- $3,850
Day 1: 5, 16-13 -- Day 2: 5, 14-03
27. Paul Elias -- Laurel, Miss. -- 9, 31-00 -- 221 -- $3,850
Day 1: 5, 16-13 -- Day 2: 4, 14-03
29. Ron Shuffield -- Bismarck, Ark. -- 7, 30-03 -- 217 -- $3,700
Day 1: 2, 7-08 -- Day 2: 5, 22-11
30. Stephen Browning -- Hot Springs, Ark. -- 10, 29-12 -- 215 -- $3,600
Day 1: 5, 14-15 -- Day 2: 5, 14-13
31. Kelly Jordon -- Mineola, Texas -- 8, 29-11 -- 213 -- $3,500
Day 1: 3, 11-07 -- Day 2: 5, 18-04
32. Bernie Schultz -- Gainesville, Fla. -- 10, 29-10 -- 211 -- $3,350
Day 1: 5, 14-12 -- Day 2: 5, 14-14
32. Terry Scroggins -- Palatka, Fla. -- 7, 29-10 -- 211 -- $3,350
Day 1: 5, 22-02 -- Day 2: 2, 7-08
34. Jeff Magee -- Mendenhall, Miss. -- 10, 29-06 -- 207 -- $3,200
Day 1: 5, 14-02 -- Day 2: 5, 15-04
35. Preston Clark -- Palatka, Fla. -- 9, 29-05 -- 205 -- $3,100
Day 1: 5, 14-11 -- Day 2: 4, 14-10
36. Skeet Reese -- Auburn, Calif. -- 8, 28-15 -- 203 -- $3,000
Day 1: 5, 19-12 -- Day 2: 3, 9-03
37. Kyle Mabrey -- Birmingham, Ala. -- 10, 28-14 -- 201 -- $2,900
Day 1: 5, 12-07 -- Day 2: 5, 16-07
38. Jack Wade -- Knoxville, Tenn. -- 6, 28-12 -- 199 -- $2,800
Day 1: 5, 25-06 -- Day 2: 1, 3-06
39. Dave Wolak -- Warrior Run, Pa. -- 10, 28-02 -- 197 -- $2,700
Day 1: 5, 14-05 -- Day 2: 5, 13-13
40. John Murray -- Phoenix, Ariz. -- 9, 28-01 -- 195 -- $2,550
Day 1: 4, 10-10 -- Day 2: 5, 17-07
40. Scott Suggs -- Alexander, Ark. -- 7, 28-01 -- 195 -- $2,550
Day 1: 4, 17-14 -- Day 2: 3, 10-03
42. Mark Tucker -- Saint Louis, Mo. -- 8, 27-13 -- 191 -- $2,500
Day 1: 3, 7-09 -- Day 2: 5, 20-04
43. John Crews -- Jetersville, Va. -- 10, 27-11 -- 189 -- $2,400
Day 1: 5, 16-03 -- Day 2: 5, 11-08
44. R J Bennett -- Roseville, Calif. -- 8, 27-05 -- 187 -- $2,400
Day 1: 5, 18-00 -- Day 2: 3, 9-05
45. Chad Morgenthaler -- Coulterville, Ill. -- 8, 26-12 -- 185 -- $2,350
Day 1: 3, 10-00 -- Day 2: 5, 16-12
46. Frank Scalish -- Cleveland, Ohio -- 8, 26-11 -- 183 -- $2,350
Day 1: 5, 17-07 -- Day 2: 3, 9-04
47. Randy Howell -- Springville, Ala. -- 9, 26-06 -- 181 -- $2,300
Day 1: 5, 14-00 -- Day 2: 4, 12-06
48. Kevin Wirth -- Crestwood, Ky. -- 10, 25-15 -- 179 -- $2,250
Day 1: 5, 12-05 -- Day 2: 5, 13-10
48. George Cochran -- Hot Springs, Ark. -- 8, 25-15 -- 179 -- $2,250
Day 1: 5, 16-12 -- Day 2: 3, 9-03
50. Kotaro Kiriyama -- Moody, Ala. -- 9, 25-13 -- 175 -- $2,200
Day 1: 5, 16-15 -- Day 2: 4, 8-14
51. Jimmy Mize -- Ben Lomond, Ark. -- 9, 25-12 -- 173 -- $2,150
Day 1: 5, 14-09 -- Day 2: 4, 11-03
52. Shaw E Grigsby, Jr -- Gainesville, Fla. -- 7, 25-07 -- 171 -- $2,150
Day 1: 3, 12-14 -- Day 2: 4, 12-09
53. David Dudley -- Lynchburg, Va. -- 9, 25-02 -- 169 -- $2,050
Day 1: 4, 5-01 -- Day 2: 5, 20-01
54. Doug Garrett -- Cabot, Ark. -- 9, 25-00 -- 167 -- $2,050
Day 1: 5, 13-14 -- Day 2: 4, 11-02
55. Jimmy Houston -- Cookson, Okla. -- 7, 24-13 -- 165 -- $2,000
Day 1: 5, 20-00 -- Day 2: 2, 4-13
56. Jeff Kriet -- Ardmore, Okla. -- 8, 24-12 -- 163 -- $2,000
Day 1: 5, 15-14 -- Day 2: 3, 8-14
57. Ben Matsubu -- Hemphill, Texas -- 8, 24-05 -- 161 -- $1,950
Day 1: 5, 14-12 -- Day 2: 3, 9-09
58. Norio Tanabe -- Tokyo 153, Japan -- 7, 24-04 -- 159 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 7-05 -- Day 2: 4, 16-15
59. Fred Roumbanis -- Auburn, Calif. -- 8, 24-02 -- 157 -- $1,925
Day 1: 4, 11-04 -- Day 2: 4, 12-14
60. Brian Snowden -- Reeds Spring, Mo. -- 7, 23-10 -- 155 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 15-12 -- Day 2: 2, 7-14
61. Todd Auten -- Lake Wylie, S.C. -- 6, 23-05 -- 153 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 17-10 -- Day 2: 1, 5-11
62. Matt Reed -- Madisonville, Texas -- 8, 23-03 -- 151 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 8-03 -- Day 2: 5, 15-00
63. Tim Loper -- Terry, Miss. -- 4, 23-01 -- 149 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 16-13 -- Day 2: 1, 6-04
64. Charlie Weyer -- West Hills, Calif. -- 9, 23-00 -- 147 -- $1,925
Day 1: 4, 9-04 -- Day 2: 5, 13-12
64. Kevin Short -- Mayflower, Ark. -- 6, 23-00 -- 147 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 11-13 -- Day 2: 3, 11-03
66. Stacey D King -- Reeds Spring, Mo. -- 6, 22-09 -- 143 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 8-05 -- Day 2: 3, 14-04
67. Chris Baumgardner -- Gastonia, N.C. -- 7, 22-08 -- 141 -- $1,925
Day 1: 2, 4-10 -- Day 2: 5, 17-14
68. Brent Chapman -- Shawnee, Kan. -- 5, 22-06 -- 139 -- $1,925
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 5, 22-06
69. Mike Wurm -- Hot Springs, Ark. -- 7, 22-05 -- 137 -- $1,925
Day 1: 4, 10-08 -- Day 2: 3, 11-13
70. Greg Gutierrez -- Red Bluff, Calif. -- 8, 22-02 -- 135 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 14-07 -- Day 2: 3, 7-11
71. Dean Rojas -- Grand Saline, Texas -- 8, 21-14 -- 133 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 13-10 -- Day 2: 3, 8-04
72. Kenyon Hill -- Norman, Okla. -- 8, 21-12 -- 131 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 11-11 -- Day 2: 3, 10-01
73. Greg Hackney -- Gonzales, La. -- 8, 21-07 -- 129 -- $1,925
Day 1: 5, 12-07 -- Day 2: 3, 9-00
74. Kevin VanDam -- Kalamazoo, Mich. -- 6, 21-05 -- 127 -- $1,925
Day 1: 3, 9-14 -- Day 2: 3, 11-07
75. Robert Lee -- Angels Camp, Calif. -- 7, 20-15 -- 125 -- $1,925
Day 1: 4, 13-03 -- Day 2: 3, 7-12
76. David Walker -- Sevierville, Tenn. -- 10, 20-13 -- 123
Day 1: 5, 9-09 -- Day 2: 5, 11-04
77. Mark Rose -- Marion, Ark. -- 5, 20-03 -- 121
Day 1: 5, 20-03 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
78. Gerald Gostenik -- Dearborn, Mich. -- 5, 20-01 -- 119 -- $1,000
Day 1: 4, 17-04 -- Day 2: 1, 2-13
79. Cliff Pace -- Petal, Miss. -- 7, 19-14 -- 117
Day 1: 5, 13-07 -- Day 2: 2, 6-07
80. Jason Reyes -- Humble, Texas -- 5, 19-08 -- 115
Day 1: 3, 10-03 -- Day 2: 2, 9-05
81. Ray Sedgwick -- Cross, S.C. -- 6, 19-07 -- 113
Day 1: 3, 10-07 -- Day 2: 3, 9-00
82. Ken Cook -- Lawton, Okla. -- 7, 19-06 -- 111
Day 1: 4, 11-11 -- Day 2: 3, 7-11
83. Frank Ippoliti -- Smithsburg, Md. -- 7, 19-04 -- 109
Day 1: 4, 13-09 -- Day 2: 3, 5-11
84. Mark Rizk -- Arab, Ala. -- 5, 19-03 -- 107
Day 1: 3, 12-06 -- Day 2: 2, 6-13
85. Gary Klein -- Weatherford, Texas -- 5, 18-15 -- 105
Day 1: 4, 15-13 -- Day 2: 1, 3-02
86. Jeff Reynolds -- Platter, Okla. -- 7, 18-12 -- 103
Day 1: 5, 13-09 -- Day 2: 2, 5-03
87. Chad Brauer -- Osage Beach, Mo. -- 7, 18-10 -- 101
Day 1: 2, 6-11 -- Day 2: 5, 11-15
87. Woo Daves -- Spring Grove, Va. -- 4, 18-10 -- 101
Day 1: 1, 4-06 -- Day 2: 3, 14-04
89. David Wharton -- Sam Rayburn, Texas -- 6, 18-08 -- 97
Day 1: 5, 16-09 -- Day 2: 1, 1-15
90. Ishama Monroe -- Hughson, Calif. -- 5, 18-07 -- 95
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 5, 18-07
91. Lee Bailey -- Hebron, Conn. -- 7, 18-05 -- 93
Day 1: 4, 9-06 -- Day 2: 3, 8-15
92. Alton Jones -- Waco, Texas -- 4, 18-00 -- 91
Day 1: 1, 2-13 -- Day 2: 3, 15-03
93. Mark Davis -- Mount Ida, Ark. -- 6, 17-10 -- 89
Day 1: 3, 9-03 -- Day 2: 3, 8-07
94. Zachary Thompson -- Orinda, Calif. -- 6, 17-06 -- 87
Day 1: 5, 15-05 -- Day 2: 1, 2-01
95. Byron Velvick -- Boulder City, Nev. -- 6, 17-05 -- 85
Day 1: 2, 6-04 -- Day 2: 4, 11-01
96. Art Ferguson III -- Saint Clair Shores, Mi -- 6, 17-04 -- 83
Day 1: 1, 3-00 -- Day 2: 5, 14-04
96. Tommy Martin -- Hemphill, Texas -- 5, 17-04 -- 83
Day 1: 3, 11-07 -- Day 2: 2, 5-13
98. Thad Takes -- Center Point, Iowa -- 6, 16-14 -- 79
Day 1: 5, 14-14 -- Day 2: 1, 2-00
99. Jarrett Edwards -- Del Norte, Colo. -- 5, 16-09 -- 77
Day 1: 3, 12-12 -- Day 2: 2, 3-13
100.Randy Yarnall -- Womelsdorf, Pa. -- 4, 16-07 -- 76
Day 1: 4, 16-07 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
101.Pete Gluszek -- Franklinville, N.J. -- 5, 16-06 -- 75
Day 1: 4, 14-12 -- Day 2: 1, 1-10
102.Dion Hibdon -- Stover, Mo. -- 6, 16-04 -- 74
Day 1: 4, 10-05 -- Day 2: 2, 5-15
103.Mike O'Shea -- Westlake Village, Cali -- 6, 16-03 -- 73
Day 1: 2, 3-11 -- Day 2: 4, 12-08
104.Dustin Wilks -- Rocky Mount, N.C. -- 5, 16-02 -- 72
Day 1: 2, 9-14 -- Day 2: 3, 6-04
105.Todd Faircloth -- Jasper, Texas -- 5, 16-01 -- 71
Day 1: 4, 9-10 -- Day 2: 1, 6-07
106.Darryl Burkhardt -- Gresham, Ore. -- 7, 15-13 -- 70
Day 1: 5, 11-08 -- Day 2: 2, 4-05
107.Terry Baksay -- Monroe, Conn. -- 5, 15-11 -- 69
Day 1: 4, 12-13 -- Day 2: 1, 2-14
108.Roland Martin -- Naples, Fla. -- 4, 15-08 -- 68
Day 1: 2, 8-13 -- Day 2: 2, 6-11
109.Terry Butcher -- Talala, Okla. -- 5, 15-04 -- 67
Day 1: 1, 2-00 -- Day 2: 4, 13-04
109.Chip Hawkins -- White Hall, Ark. -- 5, 15-04 -- 67
Day 1: 3, 10-02 -- Day 2: 2, 5-02
111.Cody Bird -- Granbury, Texas -- 5, 15-02 -- 65
Day 1: 4, 13-01 -- Day 2: 1, 2-01
112.O T Fears III -- Sallisaw, Okla. -- 5, 14-14 -- 64
Day 1: 2, 8-03 -- Day 2: 3, 6-11
113.Guy Eaker -- Cherryville, N.C. -- 6, 14-12 -- 63
Day 1: 1, 2-06 -- Day 2: 5, 12-06
114.Roger Boler -- Slidell, La. -- 6, 14-10 -- 62
Day 1: 3, 7-15 -- Day 2: 3, 6-11
115.Tommy Stiles -- Mc Minnville, Tenn. -- 5, 14-06 -- 61
Day 1: 2, 4-11 -- Day 2: 3, 9-11
116.Denny Brauer -- Camdenton, Mo. -- 6, 14-00 -- 60
Day 1: 1, 1-15 -- Day 2: 5, 12-01
117.Mike Reynolds -- Modesto, Calif. -- 4, 13-10 -- 59
Day 1: 3, 9-11 -- Day 2: 1, 3-15
118.Scott Rook -- Little Rock, Ark. -- 5, 13-08 -- 58
Day 1: 1, 1-13 -- Day 2: 4, 11-11
118.Chris Bielert -- Danbury, Conn. -- 3, 13-08 -- 58 -- $2,000
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 13-08
120.Tim Carroll -- Owasso, Okla. -- 4, 13-05 -- 56
Day 1: 2, 4-06 -- Day 2: 2, 8-15
121.Larry Nixon -- Bee Branch, Ark. -- 4, 12-10 -- 55
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 4, 12-10
122.Peter E Thliveros -- Jacksonville, Fla. -- 5, 12-07 -- 54
Day 1: 4, 8-06 -- Day 2: 1, 4-01
123.Steve Daniel -- Clewiston, Fla. -- 4, 12-04 -- 53
Day 1: 3, 7-08 -- Day 2: 1, 4-12
124.Rick Morris -- Lanexa, Va. -- 4, 12-03 -- 52
Day 1: 3, 9-00 -- Day 2: 1, 3-03
125.Louis Iribarren -- Port Jervis, N.Y. -- 4, 12-02 -- 51
Day 1: 3, 9-06 -- Day 2: 1, 2-12
126.Mike McClelland -- Vella Vista, Ark. -- 4, 11-09 -- 50
Day 1: 2, 4-14 -- Day 2: 2, 6-11
127.Tom Mann, Jr -- Buford, Ga. -- 5, 11-07 -- 49
Day 1: 2, 4-01 -- Day 2: 3, 7-06
128.Mike Auten -- Benton, Ky. -- 4, 11-05 -- 48
Day 1: 4, 11-05 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
129.Elton Luce Jr -- Brookeland, Texas -- 5, 11-02 -- 47
Day 1: 3, 6-14 -- Day 2: 2, 4-04
129.Russ Lane -- Prattville, Ala. -- 3, 11-02 -- 47
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 11-02
131.Gary Yamamoto -- Mineola, Texas -- 3, 11-01 -- 45
Day 1: 2, 5-13 -- Day 2: 1, 5-04
132.Pete Ponds -- Madison, Miss. -- 4, 10-12 -- 44
Day 1: 2, 3-15 -- Day 2: 2, 6-13
133.Chris Daves -- Hopewell, Va. -- 3, 10-04 -- 43
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 10-04
134.Steve Sennikoff -- Forney, Texas -- 3, 9-09 -- 42
Day 1: 3, 9-09 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
135.Andre Moore -- Scottsdale, Ariz. -- 3, 9-04 -- 41
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 9-04
136.Bradley Stringer -- Huntington, Texas -- 3, 9-00 -- 40
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 9-00
136.Randy Blaukat -- Lamar, Mo. -- 3, 9-00 -- 40
Day 1: 2, 6-06 -- Day 2: 1, 2-10
138.Brooks Rogers -- Quitman, Texas -- 3, 8-15 -- 38
Day 1: 2, 4-09 -- Day 2: 1, 4-06
139.Mark Rogers -- Naples, Fla. -- 3, 8-13 -- 37
Day 1: 1, 4-02 -- Day 2: 2, 4-11
140.Terry Adams -- Morgan City, La. -- 3, 8-11 -- 36
Day 1: 2, 5-09 -- Day 2: 1, 3-02
141.Johnny Lesesne -- Blue Ridge, Ga. -- 4, 8-06 -- 35
Day 1: 3, 6-04 -- Day 2: 1, 2-02
142.Charlie Youngers -- Oviedo, Fla. -- 4, 8-05 -- 34
Day 1: 3, 6-03 -- Day 2: 1, 2-02
143.Harold Allen -- Shelbyville, Texas -- 3, 8-02 -- 33
Day 1: 2, 6-03 -- Day 2: 1, 1-15
144.Jimmy Mason -- Rogersville, Ala. -- 3, 7-12 -- 32
Day 1: 2, 4-05 -- Day 2: 1, 3-07
145.Curt Lytle -- Zuni, Va. -- 3, 7-04 -- 31
Day 1: 2, 4-02 -- Day 2: 1, 3-02
146.Marcel Veenstra -- Brighton, Mich. -- 2, 7-02 -- 30
Day 1: 2, 7-02 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
147.Sean Hoernke -- Magnolia, Texas -- 3, 6-15 -- 29
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 3, 6-15
148.Jim Bitter -- Fruitland Park, Fla. -- 3, 6-11 -- 28
Day 1: 2, 4-05 -- Day 2: 1, 2-06
149.Joe Thomas -- Milford, Ohio -- 2, 6-10 -- 27
Day 1: 2, 6-10 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
150.Bink Desaro -- Boise, Idaho -- 2, 6-09 -- 26
Day 1: 2, 6-09 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
151.David Mansue -- Robbinsville, N.J. -- 3, 6-07 -- 25
Day 1: 2, 4-01 -- Day 2: 1, 2-06
152.Brett Hite -- Phoenix, Ariz. -- 1, 4-11 -- 24
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 1, 4-11
153.Randy Dearman -- Onalaska, Texas -- 1, 3-14 -- 23
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 1, 3-14
154.Danny White -- Milledgeville, Ga. -- 1, 2-07 -- 22
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 1, 2-07
155.Homer Humphreys, Jr -- Minden, La. -- 1, 2-01 -- 21
Day 1: 1, 2-01 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
156.Grant Goldbeck -- Gaithersburg, Md. -- 0, 0-00 -- 0
Day 1: 0, 0-00 -- Day 2: 0, 0-00
Big Bass
> Day 2: Chris Bielert -- Danbury, Conn. -- 9-11 -- $1,000
> Day 1: 1 -- Gerald Gostenik -- Dearborn, Mich. -- 9-12 -- $1,000